Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin!
it again; that’s what I told myself.
    It didn’t work out that way. I didn’t see him for at least a week. He had never stayed away so long before. It didn’t take long before I was blaming myself. Thinking that I should have said yes, and that I was so bad in bed he didn’t want me anymore. He finally came over, but he didn’t come alone.
    He brought his girlfriend and introduced her to me. I remember fleeing the room, shutting my door and crying into the night. No one ever came into check on me. Chris came around off and on with his new girlfriend in tow. After a couple of weeks of heartbreak, I hated him.
    While sleeping one night, I was awoken by a man in my bed. I could smell the alcohol. Screaming, I tried to push him out. The man said, "Don’t worry it’s me, Chris." As if that made it better somehow.
    I screamed at him to get out. When he finally got out of the bed, there was no way not to notice that he was naked and hard as a rock. He tried to shove it in my face and I screamed. Angry at all the noise I was making. He left, while cursing at me.
    Alice asked, “That’s when you killed him, right?”
    I shook my head, “No, I told my Dad. Dad sat me down and explained that I needed to lock my door at night. He excused Chris because he was drunk. In a week’s time, he was hanging around the house again.
    I was mean to him, and I did my best to make him go away, but he didn’t. His girlfriend had left him. Now he had more free time to hang out. Every night that he stayed over, I slept like shit, jumping at every little sound in the house. I would freak out every time someone walked down the hall to use the bathroom.
    Finally , all my fears came true. One night he came into my room. I hadn’t locked the door because I hadn’t known he was over. I had been staying up late reading that night.
    He came into the room and locked the door behind him. I yelled at him to get out and then he slapped me.
    Every time I tried to yell, he hit me. He hadn’t got ten very far when someone knocked on my door. He got off of me, and pulled his pants up then straightened his clothes. He answered the door like it was his house. My father stood on the other side of it.
    He explained to my fat her that we were just talking. My Dad was so high he could barely stand up straight. Dad laughed with him and they both went into the living room and started smoking pot.”
    Alice grinned, “Now you killed him.”
    I nodded my head with a small smile, “After sitting in my room and thinking about it… I had had enough. I sneaked into my Dads room. I knew where he kept the drugs. Knowing full-well what I was doing, I prepared a needle. The dose was three times what anyone should take. It would have killed a horse.
    Later that night I went out into the living room. Dad had gone to bed in his room. Chris was sleeping on the couch. I walked up and tied his arm with a rubber hose. My mother had taught me to help her shoot up, I knew how to do it. Chris had already taken too many drugs and alcohol to wake up. I stuck the needle into his vein and let him have it.
    I watched him… I watched him shake. I watched him foam at the mouth. I watched him die.
    I went back to bed and waited. The next morning my father found him with a needle sticking out of his arm, dead. He called some of his friends to move Chris to his own apartment before calling 911. Can’t have overdose calls at the drug dealer's own house. He was the first person I murdered.”
    Alice shook her head, “ Murder, no. Killed, yes, he had it coming. Self defense if you ask me. It explains your inner strength and how you cope with killing so fast. You have been dealing with this shit for years. You are independent and self reliant. You will do well as a vampire.”
    I smiled, “We both are , we are sisters.”

Chapter 7 Michael
    DEC 15, 1990
    Eight months just flew by. David joined the local Necromancers so he could learn how to tap into his powers. While I was

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