Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin!

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Book: Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin! by E. B. Hood Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. B. Hood
Tags: Literature & Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Paranormal, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Genre Fiction, Paranormal & Urban, Occult
large man into a lady. The man was saying, "Sorry," but then again he could have been talking to half the crowd. Being large had its drawbacks, moving through a crowd was one of them.
    The woman I ran into spun around, “ Watch where you're going klutz.”
    The woma n was a young looking blonde. She was about my height and build. It only took me a second after seeing her huge brown eyes to know that she was vampire. I spoke before I even thought about it, “I was watching, that’s why I ran into you. You were in my way.”
    She had already been mad, bu t now she looked furious. She was not alone. She was traveling with at least four more vampires. “Who do you think you are?” she practically spat it at me.
    Michael grabbed my shoulders as he wrapped his arm around me, “Not here Melabeth. Don’t start a fight.”
    The girl took a step back. H er face went from mad, to unsure. Her friends looked apprehensive. They all stepped aside and one of the male vampires said, “Please, we meant no harm… pass through.”
    Michael pushed me through the gap while adding an unnecessary, "Thank you." I said something along the lines of, “They should be thanking you… you just saved their asses.” I made sure I was loud enough for them to hear me.
    As soon as we came out of the Casino , Michael disapprovingly said, “Melabeth, you never know who you’re dealing with. Yes, you could of taken those vampires, but you’re not the most powerful vampire by far. Please be careful.”
    “Why do you care?” I was full of anger and I didn’t mean to direct it at Michael, but did.
    Michael gave me a reassuring s mile, “I will always care. The real question is… why don’t you care?”
    Still soundin g like a childish brat, “I care… why don’t you think I care?”
    Mich ael gave me a concerned look, “What’s going on? You wanted to talk. I can tell you're upset, so tell me what's bothering you.”
    I didn’t answer him at first, we just walked for awhile. Michael walked quietly and didn’t say a word. Then he broke the silence with, "I think I'm getting used to the black hair."
    "What, you don’t like it? " I quickly retorted.
    He only got a little defensive, "I didn’t say that. I thought you looked better as a blonde, but you’re still beautiful. You have always been beautiful."
    The way he said beautiful made my stomach twist. I wanted to be mad, but it was hard to stay mad at Michael, "Yeah right."
    Michael put his arm around me. We came to a stop around a beautiful fountain in front of Caesars Palace. There we stood, in front of a white statue of a woman's body with wings and no head.
    Michael softly said, "Your temper scares me. I didn’t come here for a fight about your hair color. I came here to listen."
    I was taken aback, "Why would I scare you?"
    Michael’s vo ice softly spoke into my ear, "You don’t scare me, your temper scares me. Did you see how those other vampire reacted when they heard your name?"
    I was puzzled, "I did, but why did they act in such a way?"
    Michael chuckled, "Why indeed? You and David have made a name for yourselves. Him, more than you. It's no secret that you do the killing. You're quick, powerful, fearless and care about no one. It scares people… and vampires. You work with a powerful necromancer, it makes vampires nervous."
    I gave Michael a hard look. I could feel my face tighten and my anger boiling, but I didn’t want to prove him right by losing my temper. "So… you don’t think I care about anyone?"
    Michael answered softly, “If the shoe fits …”
    Ok , I was mad. Pulling free from his arm, I vocalized my frustrations, “For someone who is afraid of my temper, you sure act like you would like to see it.”
    Michael put his hands up like I was pointing a gun at him. His voice was still kind, “I am just stating the obvious, and it’s what makes you unstoppable. You have one goal, and no one to slow you down. Are you looking for love and relationships? From my

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