Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin!

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Book: Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin! by E. B. Hood Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. B. Hood
Tags: Literature & Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Paranormal, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Genre Fiction, Paranormal & Urban, Occult
still training with Ezra and Charlotte. Alice too was also instructing me on how to fight, but mostly wanted to have tea parties. Still, me and Alice went hunting at least once a week, just two helpless little girls.
    My power increased as well . Me and David had continued hunting down The Order members. We went out at least once a week, sometimes more. The bodies were really piling up.
    I was having terrible dreams , reliving Aaron’s death. Ezra and Charlotte were not very helpful. Alice just said, “If you keep your eyes open I will give you something that will really keep you up every night.”
    I tried to talk to David , but he was always with the Necromancers, when he wasn’t hunting down The Order with me. I was finding my bed to be a lonely place. Finally, we had a night together and I told him about my nightmares. He said, "In war, not all soldiers were bad, but we had to destroy them to win." He said nothing to make me feel better or make the dreams stop.
    Later, when I told him I wasn’t in the mood to make love.  He told me that I needed to separate my feelings if I wanted my revenge. He kissed me on the forehead, "I don’t understand you Melabeth. Look, I need to go back to the temple. I'm working on a new spell. You'll be alright… you'll see, we're close to finding your killers."
    He left, and once again I was alone. I could go see Alice, but she would just want to have a tea party. She didn’t really care about my problems with David. Ezra and Charlotte were sent on a mission by Alice. Their flight had left this morning.
    Frustrated , I went to see Michael. He hadn’t really spoken to me since the death of Lizzie. It made me wonder, was he that mad that I got David’s family killed or was he in love with Lizzie? Gee, only I would get jealous of someone I indirectly killed.
    When I knocked on his door it didn’t surprise me that Lea answered. As soon as she laid eyes upon me her eyes narrowed. “What do you want?”
    “To kick your ass,” Keeping eye contact with her, I put one hand on the door so she couldn’t shut it.
    Her attitude went from put off, to scared, as she stammered out, “Why… what did I do?”
    I pushed the door open as she stepped back into the room, then I smiled really big, “Just kidding… is Michael in?”
    Her face went from scared to pissed off. “No, and he doesn’t want to talk to you.”
    Michael ca me into the living space from the adjoining room, “I’m here, what do you need Melabeth?”
    I felt ashamed , but I needed someone to talk to. I was hoping that Michael wouldn’t judge me too hard. “I need to talk.”
    Lea spit out, “T alk then.”
    “ Privately ,” I responded, giving her a threatening look.
    She snapped back, “Michael tells me everything, so you may as well talk in front of me.”
    I felt myself losing my cool, “Then he can fill you in later. For now you need to take a walk sister.”
    I n a very commanding voice, “Lea, I am going out with Melabeth, and Melabeth, do not bully Lea.” I started to argue with Michael, but he cut me off. “I will meet you downstairs at the bar, near the front lobby.”
    “Ok,” I answered Michael. I didn’t even give Lea a backward glance as I shut the door. I could hear Lea whining at Michael. Why he ever put up with her is a mystery to me.
    I hadn’t been at the bar long before Michael approached me. He gently t ook me by the shoulder as he led me away from the bar stool I had been sitting upon. “Let’s go for a walk, it’s a beautiful night.”
    “Ok,” I respond as I let him lead me. How couldn’t I? He was dazzling tonight. He was wearing khaki slacks with a light blue colored shirt. And the way his clothes hung off him showed just enough of his curves to remind me of just how many he had.
    As we worked our way through the casino , we ran into a sizable crowd. It was one of those crowds where everyone was trying to move in different directions, all at the same time. I was pushed by some

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