Adam and the Arkonauts

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Book: Adam and the Arkonauts by Dominic Barker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dominic Barker
around for long. With a thud he dropped on to the deck.
    â€˜I’m blind,’ he squeaked. And to prove it he stood up and walked into one of the table legs.
    â€˜Don’t be silly, Vlad,’ said the Doctor.
    â€˜Dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon,’ cried Vlad, banging into the table leg again and collapsing on his back.
    â€˜It’s way past noon,’ Adam pointed out.
    â€˜I know you’re doing this on purpose,’ said the Doctor. ‘Your sonar would have told you about the table legs even if you couldn’t see them.’
    â€˜I think the sun has sent it all haywire,’ piped Vlad.
    â€˜Of course it hasn’t,’ said the Doctor.
    Tentatively the vampire bat opened one of his eyes. And shut it again.
    â€˜It’s so bright!’
    â€˜Am I ever going to get any winks?’ demanded Malibu, awoken by Vlad’s high-pitched squeaks of discomfort.
    â€˜Be quiet, Malibu,’ the Doctor snapped.
    â€˜Quiet is all I want,’ grumbled the cat.
    Despite Vlad’s melodramatic protests the Doctor knew the vampire bat was genuinely finding it difficult to function in the glare of the strong sun.
    â€˜If only we had something to cover his head . . .’ he mused. ‘If his eyes were shaded I’m sure things wouldn’t be so bad.’
    â€˜The sombrero!’ shouted Adam suddenly.
    â€˜What are you talking about?’ demanded the Doctor.
    Adam reached into his pocket and pulled out the novelty stirrer from the glass of orange juice that Isabel had given him earlier in the day. One swift tug was all that was needed to detach the sombrero from the top of the stick.
    â€˜Vlad could wear the sombrero to keep off the sun!’ cried Adam, waving it at the Doctor.
    â€˜Do you think I’m running a circus, boy?’ said his father. ‘I do not believe . . .’ Then his voice trailed off. ‘I suppose it just might work.’
    But not everybody was convinced. Under the table, Vlad drew himself up to his full height, which unfortunately for him wasn’t actually very tall.
    â€˜I am a vampire bat,’ he squeaked. ‘A near-legendary creature who strikes fear into the hearts of all who see my fangs. I have my dignity. I will not be seen wearing a sombrero. My reputation would be – ow, that sun is bright.’
    â€˜We haven’t time for this,’ said the Doctor.
    He reached under the table, grasped Vlad and pulled him out.
    â€˜I warn you I will bite,’ said Vlad, showing his fangs.
    â€˜You won’t bite me,’ said the Doctor calmly, placing the miniature sombrero on the vampire bat’s head. It was a perfect fit.
    â€˜If either one of you laughs, then I’m not going,’ threatened Vlad.
    The Doctor rarely laughed, so to him this was no great challenge. It was a different matter for Adam, though. Seeing a vampire bat wearing a sombrero was an extremely comical sight.
    â€˜He’s laughing,’ said Vlad, ever sensitive to mockery.
    Adam couldn’t trust himself to speak so instead he shook his head.
    â€˜His shoulders are shaking,’ said Vlad accusingly.
    â€˜Perhaps he’s cold.’
    â€˜Cold?’ echoed Vlad. ‘Cold? We’re in Buenos Sueños in the summer and the sun is burning down, it’s not –’
    The Doctor interrupted Vlad’s protests. ‘Just remember when the alarm goes off to use your sonar to try to find its source.’
    The Doctor threw Vlad into the air and the sombrero-topped bat disappeared towards the city. Adam and the Doctor wasted no time in jamming their fingers in their ears.
    The alarm was louder and longer than before.

    CHAPTER 10
    â€˜Do we just wait for Vlad to come back?’ asked Adam.
    The Doctor shook his head.
    â€˜Vlad may be able to pinpoint the location of the Dreadful Alarm but while he is doing that we must look for your mother.’
    â€˜But she

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