Just One Kiss

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Book: Just One Kiss by Carla Cassidy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carla Cassidy
the deck and had seen Jack caressing Nathaniel’s head.
    â€œAnd the only restraint I’ll agree to is his car seat,” she added before he could suggest some other form of bondage for the little guy.
    â€œAnd he can’t get out of his car seat without help?”
    Marissa laughed. “No. I promise, Jack. I’ll keep you safe from Nathaniel.” She clicked the Print command on the computer screen and stood. “That’s the last of your reports.”
    â€œThanks, I appreciate the help.”
    â€œWhat time do you want me here in the morning for the stakeout?” she asked.
    â€œAround six.”
    She winced. “Then I’d better get right back to the motel and get some sleep.” She stooped to pick up the sleeping child. Nathaniel stirred only long enough to wrap his arms around her neck, then fell back sound asleep.
    Jack grabbed the diaper bag and Marissa’s purse and with them hanging from the handles of his crutches walked her to the front door. He handed her the items. “You sure you’re up for this?”
    â€œAbsolutely,” she replied without hesitation.
    â€œThen I guess I’ll see you in the morning,” he said.
    She nodded. “Bright and early.” She turned to leave.
    â€œMarissa?” She turned back to him, paused at the top of the narrow staircase. “Thanks again for all your help.” He smiled and once again she felt an explosion of fire in her stomach.
    â€œYou’re welcome,” she replied, then turned and headed down the stairs toward her car. Her knees felt weak as she took the steps slowly. That smile of his, void of cynicism, genuine and full, had the power to muddle her senses and shoot electricity through her veins.
    She buckled Nathaniel into his car seat, then slid behind the steering wheel. Looking up at the house,she could see Jack standing in the doorway, and the heat that had momentarily suffused her intensified.
    Even with crutches and the cast on his leg, he looked strong and sexy. The memory of his scent, a wild, slightly spicy fragrance, returned to her and for a moment she wondered what it would be like to be held in his arms, stroked with his hands, kissed with his lips.
    â€œWhat’s wrong with me?” she muttered as she started the engine. When Jack smiled so genuinely, causing his eyes to light like blue stars and the cleft in his chin to deepen provocatively, it did something to Marissa.
    She wondered what Jack would be like with a smile on his face all the time. What would he be like with hope filling his heart? The possibility stole her breath away.
    As she drove away from the house, she thought of the morning to come. Who knew how long she’d be cooped up in the car with Jack?
    She’d promised she’d keep Jack safe from Nathaniel, but who was going to keep her safe from Jack Coffey?
    Jack sat on his deck, watching the sun peek over the edge of the horizon, sending vibrant pinks and golds across the lingering night sky, the colors reflected on the surface of the water.
    Marissa should be pulling up any time, and he had spent the night regretting accepting her offer todrive him and spend whatever time it took on the stakeout.
    If it wasn’t for the fact that Jack had been after Samuel Jacobson for the past year and now might possibly be in a position to get the scum arrested, he would never have considered Marissa’s offer.
    He sighed and raked a hand through his hair. He’d slept relatively well last night, but had been visited with dreams. Disturbing dreams of Marissa.
    In those dreams he’d been kissing her sweet lips and running his hands through her blond halo of silky curls. Her eyes had been the inviting green of deep summer, promising a heady heat and overwhelming pleasure.
    And in his dream he’d taken her heat, fallen into the pleasure of her kiss, her caresses. He’d awakened horrified, not so much by the dream itself, but rather

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