
Read Online Thrive by Rebecca Sherwin - Free Book Online

Book: Thrive by Rebecca Sherwin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Sherwin
radiate from him; his touch lost its spark and his lips slowed, edging away from me but unable to let go.
    “Show me,” I pleaded, pulling back. “Take me to the darkness, Curtis.”
    He growled, pulled me away from the wall and tossed me to the bed. I scrambled out of my trousers as he kicked his off, and I parted my legs in time for him to kneel between them. Calloused fingertips ghosted down my stomach, settling between my legs where I felt the ache, the pulse; the desperate need for him - whichever side of him was present. As his pupils dilated, his brown eyes darkened to a torrid storm, and two fingers sunk into me, I could see that we were on the edge of the eye of it; far enough away to be safe, but close enough to be in danger.
    “Work for it,” he rasped, stilling his fingers as I threw my head back in delight.
    My breath caught and I could feel my eyes burning into him.
    “Work for it.” He grabbed my hip and pulled me into him, plunging his fingers in deeper. I cried out and his stomach muscles tightened in reaction to my eager plea for more. “Ride my fingers. Show me what you want to do to my dick.”
    Christ. I gasped, instinctively tightening my grip on his fingers as a new arousal moved in.
    “That’s it, baby,” he hummed and licked his lips. “Show me what you want.”
    I hesitated and threw my arm over my eyes. I couldn’t watch him watching me, but when he peeled my arm away and I was forced to make eye contact, I realised this was his confirmation. How far was I prepared to step out of my comfort zone?
    There was no time for light. There was no need to think.
    I began rocking into his fingers, looking for a rhythm, begging for friction, but he gave none. I dug my heels into the bed and slid my body up and down his fingers with an almost-satisfied sigh. As my frustration grew, I cried out louder, each lament more guttural and needy than the last; Curtis hissed and leaned over to watch me fall apart. The erotic delight flashed in his eyes – delight that he had given me his body and I was using it for my own pleasure. I felt his warm, ragged breaths on me and watched the vein in his neck pulse with savage speed. I smiled, licked my lips and reached between us to grab his wrist. His fingers slid out of me and my body protested, my lips parting to release a breathless moan. I brought his hand up to my mouth and wrapped my lips around his fingers, drawing them into my mouth.
    “Christ, Skye,” he exhaled loudly when I flicked my tongue over his fingertips and kept my eyes locked on his.
    I released him and settled back into the mattress, matching his haunting gaze.
    “Fuck me, Curtis. Show me the darkness.” I clawed at his back and pulled him closer, but it wasn’t close enough. It was never close enough. “Show me the darkness.”
    Curtis was lying on his back; my head was on his chest and my fingers drew a trail over his ink. I felt the ache in my body; the physical marks of the animal who had just ravaged me. My neck burned where his teeth had bitten down, my stomach and waist stung from his nails and fingertips; my legs ached from my grip on him as he drove into me. I couldn’t let him see. I knew I’d lose him again if he saw what we’d done to each other.
    “Tell me about them,” I asked, circling my finger over the design on his chest.
    “The ink?” he hummed, calmed by my touch, with his eyes closed and a relaxed expression on his beautiful face.
    “Yes. Why tattoos? What do they mean?”
    “It started out as an initiation,” he said, raising his arm so I could see Cut Throat tattooed along the inside of his forearm in cursives and surrounded by the shaded roses that made up the design of his sleeve. “That was the first. And then it became about the escape. It’s hard to explain if you’ve never had one but it feels unlike any other pain I’ve ever felt…and I’ve felt a lot.” His voice softened, but he recovered by snorting a chuckle. “Geoff

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