If I Trust You (If You Come Back To Me #4)

Read Online If I Trust You (If You Come Back To Me #4) by Beth Kery - Free Book Online

Book: If I Trust You (If You Come Back To Me #4) by Beth Kery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Kery
    “You’ve been driving me crazy since I first laid eyes on you,” he whispered roughly as he kissed her neck. It was true. He’d been consumed with a desire to touch her from the first moment she’d looked at him with those singular blue-gray eyes and tilted her chin up in that part amused, part defiant gesture she favored. Her skin was so smooth it was like pressing his lips against a fragrant flower petal. Her body seemed to flow beneath his seeking hands, sleek muscle, supple, tight curves—the perfect combination of strength and soft femininity. He pressed his lips against her throbbing pulse.
    “Your heart is beating so fast.” He slid his hand along her chest and rested it over her left breast. She stilled. Her heart pulsed against his palm. Her eyes were glassy with desire when he lifted his head, her lips rosy and damp from his kiss. A primitive, powerful urge rose in him to make love to her.
    He shouldn’t do it. Things were getting out of hand. It would make things messy when what he most needed in this venture was objectivity.
    She parted her lips.
    To hell with objectivity.
    He seized her mouth with his own.
    He urged her to lie on her back on the couch and came down over her, never breaking their kiss. His blood rushed hot and fast through his veins. One thing existed in the universe for him at that moment, and for once, it wasn’t his drive to make a shrewd business decision.
    Only Deidre mattered—only that, and the overwhelming need to lose himself in her.

Chapter Four
    H e pressed kisses along the top of her sweater-covered breasts while she raked her fingers through his hair. Her touch drove him crazy. There was too much clothing separating them. He reached for the bottom of her sweater, pausing when he heard Deidre whimper. He let the material fall from his hand at the poignant sound.
    He lifted his head, spearing her with his stare.
    “What is it?”
    “I can’t, Nick,” she whispered. “It’s not right. You don’t trust me.”
    It was on the tip of his tongue to deny it, to say his trust in her grew the more time he spent with her. He stopped himself when he realized how it would sound if he uttered those words.
    She’d think he was saying it just to get her into bed.
    He cursed under his breath and sat up. It felt like ripping off his own skin to separate himself from her warm, soft, supple body. He clamped his eyes shut and raked his fingers through his hair.
    “You don’t trust me either,” he muttered. “It was a mistake not to spend more time with you while Linc was still alive.”
    “You were busy. And when you were at The Pines, I wouldn’t let you spend time with me,” she said as she sat up. Her low, smoky voice seduced him all over again. He glanced back at her, sorely tempted to touch her again...to draw her close. Her eyes looked huge in her delicate face. She wrapped her arms beneath her breasts, hugging herself. He was reminded of her vulnerability.
    “Will you let me now?” he asked. “For more than just tonight?”
    Her serious expression cut at him a little. “I’ll try,” she whispered, her eyes never leaving his face.
    “Thank you for a nice night.”
    She nodded once. “Thank you for the Christmas tree and photos.”
    He was having difficulty pulling his gaze off her face.
    “I don’t want to dislike you,” she said with sudden earnestness. “It doesn’t seem right. Especially now that I’m starting to understand how much you meant to Lincoln.”
    He closed his eyes and glanced away.
    “Nick?” she whispered.
    “Yeah,” he muttered, inhaling deeply and willing his boiling blood to cool.
    “That company, Vivicor? Do you really think it’s important that you—we—move fast on the purchase?”
    He glanced back at her in surprise. “Yes.”
    She looked hesitant. “If you think it’s a good business decision, I’ll do whatever you want me to do to make the deal happen. I don’t want to hold back progress in Lincoln’s

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