Midnight Lies: The Wildefire Series

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Book: Midnight Lies: The Wildefire Series by Ella Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Grace
herself? Her exhausted mind whirledwith questions, doubts, and suppositions. She wanted to believe him … she really did.
    Her hesitation gave him the answer. A blank look washed over his blue eyes, dulling
     their brilliance. He stood and said coolly, “Unless you’re here in an official capacity,
     you’d better leave.”
    “Quinn … please. Don’t.”
    “Don’t what? You’ve slept beside me for months and you actually think I could do this
     thing? That I’m capable of murder?”
    “It’s not that I think you’re guilty. It’s just …” Hell, what could she say? She had
     doubts and they had only increased after talking with Marcie. And whether she wanted
     to admit it or not, learning about his brother had increased her misgivings.
    A hand reached for her arm, and without thinking, she jerked back. She hadn’t believed
     his face could get blanker than it already was.
    “Get out.”
    Samantha went to her feet. Her knees wobbled as myriad feelings almost overwhelmed
     her. She didn’t believe he was guilty but neither could she squelch the doubts. And
     still, even though she had them, she knew she was hurting him and it tore her to pieces.
    “I’m so sorry, Quinn.”
    As she turned away from him, her thoughts whirled like a spinning top. Was it possible
     to love and distrust someone at the same time? How could she want to comfort him if
     she thought he was guilty of murder? How could she not trust a man who’d been so gentle
     and wonderful to her? How could …
    “Dammit, Sam!”
    Hard hands shoved her into a chair and then pushed her head toward her knees. “Take
     slow, even breaths.”
    Holy crap, she’d almost passed out again. She concentratedon breathing and the light-headed feeling dissipated. Now she was fully embarrassed.
     She peeked up at Quinn, noting the grim set of his mouth. He was angry. But if he
     was innocent, didn’t he have every right to be furious? She was letting him down and
     breaking her own heart in the process.
    His voice cracked like a whip. “Better?”
    “When was your last period?”
    The question seemed so out of left field, she could only stare at him.
    “If you’re pregnant, I want to know.”
    Weary and disheartened, Samantha raised her head and pushed her fingers through her
     hair. “I’m not pregnant.”
    “You didn’t answer my question.”
    “Fine. I started my period this morning, around 10:02. Is that detailed enough for
    He gave her a grim nod. “Then you need to eat.”
    She stood slowly, grateful that her knees held and her head felt halfway normal. “I’ll
     eat something when I get home.”
    “As much as I want you out of here, I’m not letting you leave like this.” He whirled
     around and headed to the kitchen. “I’ll make you a peanut butter sandwich.”
    She waited until he was in the kitchen before she grabbed her purse and headed to
     the door. He didn’t want her here and she’d be damned if she’d fall apart in front
     of him again.
    She should have known she wouldn’t get out of here without him noticing. Still facing
     the door, she whispered softly, “I’m sorry, Quinn.”
    “Yeah, me too.”
    She opened the door and walked out. With every stepthat took her away from him, her heart cracked. And at the click of the lock behind
     her, it completely shattered.
    Refusing to give in to the hurt, Quinn went about his normal routine. He cleaned up
     the few dishes in the kitchen, made coffee for the next day, and then changed into
     running clothes. Late night runs were the norm for him. It was a good way to let off
     the tension from the day, and this one had brought that in spades.
    Though he wouldn’t let himself think about the betrayal he felt, he knew there was
     one thing he had to take care of before he went through the door. He’d never been
     much into denial and wasn’t about to start now. He was in trouble.
    He grabbed his cellphone; Bob answered on the first

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