Churchill's Ace (Epic War Series Book 1)

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Book: Churchill's Ace (Epic War Series Book 1) by Greg M. Sheehan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Greg M. Sheehan
Tags: Epic War Series
Zigfried and Wolf were bare chested and in the middle of a human circle. Lieutenant Dieter tossed a pair of boxing gloves to each of them.
    Zigfried’s second a big oaf named Wilhelm, laced up his gloves. Wilhelm grunted as he pulled the laces tighter and tighter. Zigfried boasted, “I’ll knock him out. But first I will make him suffer.”
    Wilhelm made a fist and tapped the edge of Zigfried’s gloves. “I’ve seen his kind before. A know it all. When he goes down, stomp on his head.”
    On the other side of the circle, Hans pulled on Wolf’s gloves. Hans looked across the tight space and saw Wilhelm. “That guy is gigantic.”
    “If I lose you have to fight him.”
    Hans seemed alarmed, “I doubt if the lug could fit in a bomber. You better win. Have you ever fought?”
    “You mean with gloves?”
    Hans pulled the laces and tried them off. “No, with pistols. Of course, boxing gloves.”
    “No, I haven’t.”
    Hans finished up with the lacing and inspected his work. “What have you been doing all this time in Berlin, drinking coffee and chasing frauleins? The frauleins I can see.”
    Wolf laughed ever so slightly, “Studying mathematics.”
    “Are you crazy? What’s your plan?”
    “Try not to get hit.”
    Lieutenant Dieter walked into the middle of the circle. “Gentlemen these two will settle their differences in the ring. Two rounds, that is the custom. After, I expect both of you to tap gloves and put this behind you. One day, we may do battle in the sky, but not with each other. Then, your life may depend on one of your fellow pilots. Do not forget that. But today, you box. It will build character and a stiff chin. Commence.”
    Zigfried raised his gloves and moved into the center of the circle. Wolf ventured in and saw that his opponent was full of confidence. He also had a swift jab, which connected to Wolf’s chin. Wolf was peppered with another jab and an overhand right which sent him sprawling to the ground. “Get up,” hissed Zigfried.
    Wolf came to his feet. It was now evident to Wolf, that Zigfried had some training as a boxer. Perhaps he had been a card-carrying member of the Hitler Youth movement, who indoctrinated impressionable young boys on how to be good Nazis. Bullying and shaming the weak was more than accepted. It was encouraged.
    Boxing was part of that. There was nothing better to show your raw superiority than by punching a weak and helpless foe in the nose, and then to stand over him while he cowered in shame.
    That seemed to be working quite well for Zigfried as he continued to pummel Wolf with disdain. Wolf covered up as the blows appeared to come from every direction. Lieutenant Dieter looked at his watch and stopped the first round.
    Wolf stumbled to the far end of the circle and Hans helped him stay on his feet. Hans said, “You still with us?”
    “I think so.” Wolf spit out some blood.
    “Just an idea, but you may want to start punching.”
    Wolf said flatly, “He’s all over me. I need to get inside.”
    “Yeah, but it’s not a good idea to use your head as a punching bag.”
    On the other side of the circle, Wilhelm and Zigfried were grinning from ear to ear. Zigfried blew his nose in Wolf’s direction. Wolf said, “I wonder if he can take a punch.”
    “Land one.”
    Lieutenant Dieter signaled for the start of the second and final round. Zigfried came straight at Wolf. He feigned a jab and threw another right. Wolf dipped his head to one side and threw an uppercut. The punch landed squarely on Zigfried’s chin. It seemed to lift the young Nazi off the turf, and he lost his balance.
    That was all Wolf needed as he moved in and punched wildly. There was no particular sequence to what he threw at Zigfried. When the Nazi bully dropped his hands, Wolf finished him off with a right-left combination. Zigfried fell to the ground and Lieutenant Dieter moved in to stop the fight.
    Wilhelm helped Zigfried to his feet. Hans smiled and took off

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