Churchill's Ace (Epic War Series Book 1)

Read Online Churchill's Ace (Epic War Series Book 1) by Greg M. Sheehan - Free Book Online

Book: Churchill's Ace (Epic War Series Book 1) by Greg M. Sheehan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Greg M. Sheehan
Tags: Epic War Series
easily kept pace with the unit as the sweat started to pour off him. “Any more complaints?”
    “Aren’t you worried about buying the farm? You know, getting shot down.”
    Wolf smiled and picked up the pace. “I’m not going to get shot down.”
    “Oh, I see. You fancy yourself an ace. That thinking will just get you killed. Herr Meister Ace of the Luftwaffe, who dug his own grave.”
    “If you’re scared, why do you want to fly? Perhaps you should go back to the farm and jump from one hay bale to another.”
    “The farm. I’m tired of potatoes, but not the vodka.” The unit trotted over a wooden bridge that creaked as they ran deeper into the countryside. “Vodka makes you brave, but perhaps one shouldn’t drink it before flying. You could get in real trouble. The sky would be spinning as fast as your propeller. That would be weird. Don’t you think?”
    Wolf smirked, “You’re weird.”
    “In any case, I’m looking for a wingman, not a show-off.”
    Wolf laughed, “I’m looking for a wingman too. Perhaps I will consider you for that. But first you better shut up and make it through basic.”
    Zigfried Bockler was running behind them and said over their shoulders, “Neither one of you will ever fly. I don’t know why you even bothered to join. It is a new time for Germany and the Third Reich.”
    Wolf shot back, “No one’s talking to you.”
    “What’s your name peasant?”
    Hans hoped Wolf would let it go. But he soon learned that wouldn’t be the case. His new friend was playing with fire. Didn’t he know that? Wolf directly answered Zigfried. “Wolf Kruger, and that’s with one g.”
    “Well cadet Kruger, do you know who my father is?”
    “Full of crap, like you.”
    “Zigfried smiled, “I wouldn’t be so smug if I were you.”
    “You’re not me.”
    Zigfried ran to the front of the formation as if he was in charge of the cadets. When he was out of earshot Hans said, “Why did you do that?”
    “Piss him off. That’s not very smart.”
    “Just keep running,” said Wolf. “He’s a bully. I don’t like bullies.”
    “Wolf Kruger.”
    Hans edged closer to Wolf so that the other cadets wouldn’t hear him. “I decided two things. First — don’t get mad, but I think you’re crazy. Second, I’ll be your wingman.”
    Twenty minutes later the pilots in waiting turned around and headed back toward the flight school. Zigfried Bockler picked up the pace and the other cadets dropped behind. Wolf ran faster and said to Hans, “Come on keep going.”
    “I can’t keep up.”
    “You want to fly or not.”
    Hans gritted his teeth and stayed with Wolf. Lieutenant Dieter also fell off the pace. The cadet formation was falling apart. Lieutenant Dieter yelled at Zigfried to slow down, but Zigfried ignored him and ran even faster, leaving the cadets in his wake. The camp came in sight, and Hans was losing steam. He told Wolf as he slowed down, “Catch the little Nazi bastard.”
    Wolf pumped his arms and surged forward. The other cadets yelled their approval as Wolf closed the gap on Zigfried. The camp entrance was just ahead as Wolf was now running stride for stride with Zigfried. Zigfried was surprised and called on his legs to move faster. However, he was spent and could only watch Wolf cross under the gate and into the Luftwaffe Flight Training Grounds.
    Wolf eased up, and Zigfried ran up from behind him. Zigfried tripped Wolf, who fell to the rocky ground with a thud. He lost his breath and slowly got to his feet. Zigfried snarled, “Don’t ever try to embarrass me again. You got it, peasant.”
    Wolf wiped blood from the cut on his leg. “You embarrass yourself.”
    Zigfried came toward Wolf ready to throw a punch. Lieutenant Dieter stepped between the pair. Finally, he said, “Enough from the both of you. Do you want to settle this like men? Follow me...”
    * * *
    The cadets from barrack #6 formed a tight circle on the parade grounds.

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