Hollow Moon

Read Online Hollow Moon by Steph Bennion - Free Book Online

Book: Hollow Moon by Steph Bennion Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steph Bennion
Tags: SF
the camp and towards the edge of the jungle surrounding the research station.
Philyra fell in step behind him, leaving Bellona to bring up the rear. Although
the sun remained high, once they slipped beneath the cool leafy canopy it
became too dark to see more than a few steps ahead and Endymion soon had to
rely on the tiny display on his wristpad for directions. The black and purple
foliage grew more dense and chaotic the further they walked and before long
they had to force their way through the twisted undergrowth to make progress.
    Faint slithering sounds and the distant screeches of unseen
creatures kept their nerves jangling. Bellona screamed as a huge black insect,
at least a metre long and looking like a cross between a centipede and a
scorpion, suddenly shot across her path just centimetres from her foot. She had
already decided that Philyra was acting far too serenely for someone scared
stiff of the Terran spiders that had taken up residence in Newbrum’s dome.
Endymion himself appeared oblivious to everything apart from the image on his
    “This is stupid,” mumbled Bellona.
    For what seemed the millionth time, she untangled her
hair from a spiny purple stem she was sure had been chasing her through the
overhanging foliage. Her companions did not appear to be having any problems
negotiating the undergrowth and she was convinced the jungle was singling her
out for attention. It did not help that she only had one free hand, for the
other clung to her radiation cloak as if her life depended upon it. Philyra
wore hers with an air of casual confidence that made the baggy lead-lined cape
look like the height of fashion.
    Ahead, Endymion had stopped. “This is it,” he whispered.
    They had reached the edge of another clearing. Philyra
and Bellona peered over his shoulder to where he pointed, expecting to see a
small crater with a smouldering meteor at its centre. What they actually saw
was nothing of the sort.
    “It’s a spaceship,” murmured Bellona, surprised. “What’s
it doing here?”
    Endymion stepped out of the jungle and slowly approached
the spacecraft. It was a lunar-class exploration vessel, consisting of a large
spherical hull standing upon four landing struts with a single booster engine
at its base. The lower half of the hull was an open frame that held a
cylindrical-shaped object on one side of the engine and a heavy-duty winch on
the other. One of the slanting struts had a ladder attached, above which an
open hatch in the side of the hull offered a tantalising glimpse of the
spacecraft’s interior.
    “The Nellie Chapman ,”
remarked Philyra, reading the legend on the side of the hull.
    “It’s an asteroid mining ship,” Endymion told her. “You
can see the Astromole drilling machine in the cradle underneath.”
    “I didn’t know people were mining in the Ravines,”
remarked Bellona.
    “They’re not,” replied Endymion. “Or at least they’re not
supposed to be. It’s protected territory. You’re not even allowed to fly in the
    “So what’s it doing here?” asked Philyra.
    “No idea,” Endymion murmured. Bellona saw his eyes were
upon the gaping hatchway. “Do you think there’s anyone inside?”
    He started to walk across the charred ground towards the
bottom of the ladder. Bellona ran after him and put a hand to his arm.
    “Wait! Are you sure it’s safe?”
    “No,” he admitted, grinning. “But I’m only going to
    “Be careful not to press any buttons,” Philyra called
out. “You might fly off!”
    “Don’t give him ideas,” muttered Bellona.
* * *
    Endymion reached the bottom of the ladder and began to
climb. The hatch was at least five metres up but before long he was peering
cautiously through the opening, looking for any signs of life. The entrance
airlock and the cabin beyond appeared to be deserted. He turned and gave
Philyra and his sister a brief wave, then clambered inside.
    He had never been in a

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