Rogue Love
floated on a river watching the current pull me further and further from my friends and family on the shore. I woke up to the staccato sound of quiet rain pattering against the window.
    The rest of the ride, I alternated between reading the book I had brought with me—Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray —and staring out the window at the towns and cities as we passed. Mostly, I liked to watch how quiet the world looked as the rain gently bathed the highways. The time passed much more quickly than I imagined and before I knew it, we were pulling up to the dingy Connecticut bus station. It looked similar to the one in Mercy River, but much bigger and teeming with people.
    I quickly gather my belongings and made my way to the exit, trying my best to elbow any other passengers. Most of the other passengers did not have the same concern, so I was one of the last people to exit and step into the large parking lot.
    A kindly looking older gentleman in a suit caught my eye. He was holding up a sign, so I took a few steps forward to get a better look.
    Grace Martin , the sign said. I sighed in relief that I wouldn’t have to wander through the parking lot until I found my ride.
    “Hello, that’s me,” I said, pointing to the sign and then extending my hand to him.
    “Nice to meet you Grace,” the man replied with a warm smile that reached all the way to the crinkles by his eyes. “Let me help you with those bags.”
    He quickly hoisted up my bag in a feat of strength that surprised me given how slender he was, and walked me to a shiny black limo. He opened the door for me, and then went to put my bags in the trunk.
    “This fancy car is just for picking me up?” I asked incredulously as the driver climbed into the front seat and started the engine.
    “My dear, I think you’ll learn that Blake Harrison expects nothing but the best, at all times, and in all areas.”
    I mused the driver’s words over in my head as we pulled out of the parking lot and headed to my new home for however long I worked there. Surely, Blake Harrison was a generous man, as evidenced by his treatment of me so far. But would I live up to his exacting standards and expectations? I felt a nervous, excited tug in my chest as I thought about meeting my new employer. Whatever happened next, I was now sure that it was going to be a grand adventure.
    Read the rest of Twisted Love by clicking here .
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    I would like to thank my fellow writers for their suggestions and guidance along the way. You guys are the best group of authors I’ve ever met. Thank you!
    To my family: Thanks for putting up with me when I was lost in my own world.
    And most importantly: Thank you to all the readers who make being an author such a joy. I appreciate your feedback and that each and every one of you has taken the time to read my work. It still blows my mind! I couldn’t do it without you.

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