Knight of Her Heart (Conquering the Heart)

Read Online Knight of Her Heart (Conquering the Heart) by Alyssa James - Free Book Online

Book: Knight of Her Heart (Conquering the Heart) by Alyssa James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyssa James
dismounted, he stood head and shoulders above everyone. His clean-shaven face—in the style of King Henry—was exceedingly attractive with a strong jaw and high, chiselled cheekbones. However his manner and expression were menacing. His gaze skewered through Collins as surely as if he’d speared him with a lance.
    “I am Lord Rowan, Earl of Romsey and first knight of King Henry.”
    A great chain of oohs and aahs rippled out like waves from those around her.
    For some strange reason the deep, authoritative voice had Lisette’s pulse quickening and made her weak at the knees. Via travellers to Bridlemere Keep, she’d heard of Henry’s first knight, Sir Rowan. It appeared he’d been granted the new title Earl of Romsey, and that was little wonder given the reported value of his services to the king.
    “You have no business here, Romsey,” Collins said forcefully, although he shifted from leg to leg thus detracting from the confident tone of his voice. “Get on your horse and ride on.”
    Paying him no heed, the knight continued. “I object to this marriage, on two counts.”
    The crowd jostled a little. Lisette could see that those on the edges vied for a better view of the handsome knight who dared to interrupt the marriage ceremony of a powerful local lord. Collins, after all, was highly feared by all who knew him.
    Lisette stood absolutely statue-still as she hung on the knight’s words.
    “Lord Collins, you are to be arrested on the charge of murder—”
    Aye! Lisette breathed out her relief. She was free! Her prayers had been answered. Finally, someone would deliver justice to the cruel man beside her.
    “That’s preposterous!” Collins growled as his hand went for the hilt of his sword.
    Those standing closest to Collins moved away quickly. Lisette understood the reason for their haste as it would not do to be in the way should Lord Collins draw his weapon.
    Lisette sensed his hesitation as he weighed up the height and strength of the man who challenged him and cast a surreptitious glance at the company of knights who surrounded the gathering. Any chance of escape was blocked. Lord Collins may be fearless against lesser men, but she could see he was having second thoughts about crossing swords with the king’s first knight.
    “You know not who you are dealing with!” Collins challenged, but his words were shaky. He blanched as white as a lily when Lord Rowan took a step toward him. Collins shrunk away even while he voiced his protest. “You have no proof!”
    “My second objection to this marriage is that Lady Lisette of Bridlemere is my betrothed,” the knight continued.
    What? Lisette gaped at him as those gathered gasped in exclamation of their disbelief. Lord Romsey—the man proclaiming to be her betrothed—did not spare her so much as a sideways glance.
    “On whose authority?” boomed her guardian. “This is nonsense. I am the girl’s guardian and she is betrothed to Lord Collins.” In stark contrast to Collins pallor, Lord Blake had puffed himself up and was bright beetroot-red.
    As formidable a figure as her guardian was, he was no match for the knight who opposed him. The Earl of Romsey was younger and there was no doubt he was much stronger and fitter. As Blake moved toward him, Lord Rowan did not draw his sword but merely stopped him in his tracks with a firming of his mouth and a look of blistering contempt.
    Blake was out of his depth. Collins took a step backward like the coward he was and his eyes darted back and forward as though he searched for an avenue of escape.
    Despite the seriousness of the situation, Lisette’s lips twitched and she wanted to laugh with almost hysterical relief. ’Twas all she could do to stifle the impulse as her blustering guardian fell silent and she thought Collins might suffer a fit at any moment.
    “Your charges against Lord Collins are most grave, Lord Romsey, and ’tis true what Lord Blake says,” the priest interjected. “He has consented

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