
Read Online Betrayed by Camilla Isles - Free Book Online

Book: Betrayed by Camilla Isles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Camilla Isles
stuff he was saying? Like they were in some kind of relationship after two dates.”
    “I think it’s all in his head, Justin. What bothers me more is what he said about MacGregor. Why didn’t he tell us he and Amy were dating when we talked to him?”
    “Yeah, I know. That is strange.”
    “Unless you can’t date co-workers. Maybe they were keeping it under wraps because of their jobs.”
    “Possibly,” Justin said rubbing his temples. “This is all making my head hurt.”
    “Let’s stop by my place,” Ginger suggested. “I’ll make us some tea, and you can take some aspirin.”
    “Sounds like a good idea. I need to decompress.”
    Ginger’s reasoning for going back to her condo was twofold. She wanted Justin to calm down, but she was also shaken by his outburst. On the one hand, she understood. He’s on the edge regarding his sister’s whereabouts, plus his father is ill and the stress could end up killing him. But on the other hand, the violent outburst made her think twice. Maybe this is how he normally reacts when things go awry. Ginger didn’t want to think that of him though.
    Her heart and head were locked in opposite sides of an argument. Intuition and logic battled it out as she went back and forth in her mind over what just happened at Sam’s house. She decided that stopping by her condo and allowing them both to unwind would better help her evaluate the situation. For some reason, she had no fear that Justin would turn his anger towards her.
    Ginger filled the teakettle with water and set it on the stove to boil. Justin took off his jacket and slumped onto the couch. Ginger brought him two aspirins and a glass of water.
    “Thanks, babe,” he said and downed the pills.
    He continued to rub his head, and Ginger sat and told him to put his head in her lap and she would massage his temples. He closed his eyes, and she thought how boyish he looked with a strand of his brown hair hanging against his forehead.
    “That feels wonderful,” he whispered.
    “You just need to relax, Justin. I know it’s hard, but you need to.”
    “I know. I’m sorry you saw me blow my cool, I really am. That guy just creeped me out, and then when I saw that blood – well I just lost it.”
    “He creeped me out too,” Ginger replied as she continued to massage his temples.
    Suddenly he opened his eyes and looked deeply into Ginger’s. He brought his hand up behind her head and pulled it gently toward him. He kissed her softly and then eagerly. Ginger loved the feeling of his firm but tender lips on hers. She immediately felt a burning in her chest, that longing she felt the night before to have this man take her. Their kisses became more fervent. The back of Justin’s hand snuck up to the collar of Ginger’s shirt and proceeded to delve deeply to fondle a breast through her bra. Ginger moaned inwardly as his touch lit a fire that was desperate to burn brightly.
    She knew it was too soon, but Ginger couldn’t help how this man made her feel. At the moment, neither one thought of Amy, Big Red, Sam Pennington, or Aaron. It was just the two of them alone on an island giving themselves to each other. And then the teapot started to whistle and they were brought back to harsh reality.

    Chapter Seven
    Lily sat down at the table with Big Red. He didn’t acknowledge her, but kept staring out the window towards the road.
    “Red, you have to eat something. I know you don’t want to, but you have to. We’re all worried about you, and that’s taking our focus off Amy.”
    Lily knew she was delivering a guilt trip on Red, but she couldn’t help it. Sometimes extreme methods are needed in order to get the result you want.
    Red turned and looked at Lily. “Don’t focus on me. Just find Amy.”
    “We are trying, Red, but the focus keeps shifting to you since you’re not taking care of yourself. You need to keep up your strength, especially during these chemo treatments. Let me fix you a

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