Breaking the Cycle

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Book: Breaking the Cycle by Tricia Andersen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tricia Andersen
Tags: MMA Romance, Sports Romance
glared back at her in annoyance, but she knew they didn’t mean it. They loved having her there with them just as much as she loved being there.
    Chloe toed off her shoes, tucked them in her locker, and closed the door. She spun the lock to secure it then wandered out toward the main gym. She stopped short at the three large fighters blocking the hallway, their eyes locked on her. She could read the message they were sending. They were hunters. She was prey . I need to get out of here. Now.
    “Hey, Chloe girl. Where are you going?” the largest addressed.
    “I’m heading to my workout. If you’ll excuse me…”
    He grinned. “Workout with us. We’ll give you a good one.”
    Chloe glanced around her. There was nowhere to go except the emergency fire exit. If she turned and retreated for the locker room, she would be a sitting duck. She started to tremble. Her stomach churned violently. She hardly noticed the three men approach until one grabbed her chin and pulled her to him.
    “What’s going on here?” Rico demanded.
    The largest fighter didn’t turn. “None of your business, Rico. We’re going to work out with Chloe. So get lost.”
    “It’s my business.”
    All three men turned at the voice. Chloe fought to see between their large, sculpted shoulders. Max stood beside Rico, his fists balled at his side as if he was preparing to fight. Rage rolled off him in torrents. She had never seen him this furious.
    “Chloe,” Max warned. “Go into the locker room and get your things. We’re done. We’re leaving.” He glared at Rico. “Tell Jack he can find new trainers. Chloe and I are through with Hard Drive.”
    “Max, man. Just hang on.” Rico growled at the three men. “Get your hands off Chloe and get out. Don’t come back. Do you get me?”
    “You don’t have the power to throw us out,” one of the three snarled.
    “I do.” The entire group turned to find Jack standing in the mouth of the hallway. “I’m not about to lose the best trainer in Minnesota to three punks who can’t keep it in their pants. That is not the way my gym works. We treat the women in this gym with respect. They’re not our toys. Get your stuff and get out. Your contracts are terminated.”
    The three fighters stormed off, grumbling under their breath. Max crossed over to Chloe. “Are you all right?”
    “Been better,” she whimpered. “But I’ll be all right.”
    Max smiled at her softly as he caressed her cheek. Then, he turned and stalked off to the gym. Chloe followed behind. “Where is Mark?” he demanded.
    “He stayed at work to research something,” Dan answered. “He didn’t say what.”
    “Fantastic. Dan, get on the mat. Spar with Rico.”
    Chloe noticed the petrified look on the blond’s face as he slipped his glasses off and set them in his bag. She reached out and gently touched Max’s arm. He didn’t turn. He didn’t even act like she was there. His face was still enraged as he scowled at the fighters. Rico shot Dan a halfhearted smile as they faced off and practice began.

Chapter Five
    Max was still in a blind fury as he drove home. He noticed out of the corner of his eye as Chloe clung to her seat in fear. Slowly exhaling, he shook himself free of his temper. He wouldn’t stress her out. He couldn’t deal with the consequences. Not today.
    Parking the Mustang at the curb, he threw open the door. He stomped around the house to the backyard shed. After freeing the lock, he yanked the mower free, filled it with gas, and ripped at the cord to bring it to life. He peeled his T-shirt from his body and tossed it on the picnic table. Silently, he stalked off to mow.
    He paced the yard immersed in his thoughts, never noticing anyone watching him. As he rounded the house to the front yard, he found Chloe standing on the porch. She leaned against the post, her eyes glazed over as they raked over his tan, sculpted arms and chest.
    “I didn’t know you had tattoos,” she breathed.
    Max’s heart

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