A Heart's War (The Broken Men Chronicles Book 5)

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Book: A Heart's War (The Broken Men Chronicles Book 5) by Carey Decevito Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carey Decevito
hounds of hell were on her tail.
    Well that wasn’t awkward.
    With a bit of relief, I watched the remnant of crushed rock dust dissipate, rubbing between my pecks at the burning sensation I felt there.  She was running. I had used that tactic more than once or twice in my life.  It’s too bad I hadn’t done just that before she did.  It might have hurt less.
    For that brief moment she’d bumped into me, all I had wanted to do was cradle the back of her head, fuse my lips to hers, and taste her over and over again.
    “You’re no good for her, dumbass,” I mumbled as I slid the key Morgan had left me the other day into the lock and turned to hear the deadbolt’s click.
    Morgan’s scent engulfed me as I let myself inside.  Her words from yesterday played as if on a loop in my mind. I think I can figure out what’s good and what’s not… I’m a grown ass woman.
    One thing was certain, when Morgan got back, she and I needed to talk.

Chapter 13
    By the time I finished with my loose ends in the kitchen, it was time to tackle the rest of the demolition in Morgan’s bedroom.  Nothing could be done with the kitchen until the inspector showed up anyhow, and the crew I had set up for tomorrow had been called to confirm that they would be on site first thing in the morning.
    As I walked through the room’s threshold, Morgan’s scent, stronger this time, invaded me: the one of woman and a subtlety of honeysuckle.
    Moving her furniture to the inside wall of her room, surprised that Morgan had helped out by clearing a lot of her belongings from the room on her own, I set to work for the next hour.
    The last remnants of daylight had disappeared by the time I’d tackled her office.  She’d cleared out that one for me, too.
    I wiped at my forehead using the hem of my shirt and sighed.  Had Morgan not started her demolition spree the day before, I would have been working well into the wee hours of the morning just to get things ready for the men tomorrow.  Instead, I was able to go home and actually relax before falling into bed.
    With one last assessing look, I turned and left.  Tomorrow was going to be one hell of a day, and her home would be open to the elements for a certain period of time before the roof could be complete with new shingles, not to mention the new windows.

Chapter 14
    By the time the weekend arrived, I was exhausted from my days at Morgan’s, but also motivated to put in some time and work on my own property.
    With my brother on loan from his family for the day, bringing reinforcements in the way of my father, I was going to use all the help they were willing to dish out. If I was lucky, I’d be able to get the floor in the kitchen prepped for tile, and the few full joist replacements throughout the rest of the main floor done.  How’s that for ambition?
    “So how’s TL doing?” Paxton asked as he sucked back his beer while we sat on the front porch with our lunch.
    I shrugged my shoulders.  “Good, I guess.  It’s been constant.”
    “I guess?” Dad’s eyebrow rose.  “We haven’t seen or heard from you since I broke in and your mother nursed you while you were sick.”
    “I’ve been busy,” I defended.  “My latest client is being a tad difficult.”  There was no way I was bringing up my attraction toward Morgan or the fucked up way we were linked to one another.  That would just invite a slew of disapprovals and snide comments from my father and I really didn’t need that today.
    After Dad left, Paxton stopped drilling screws into the subflooring board he was securing and turned to me. “So dish.  What’s been going on with you?”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Don’t play coy,” he said.  “You look like you haven’t slept in days and when Dad asked you questions earlier, it seemed like you were giving him the run-around.”
    I groaned.  “What is this, the Grand Inquisition?”
    “I know something’s up, T.”
    I sighed. “It’s just the job.  I’m

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