Santa Baby

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Book: Santa Baby by Katie Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Price
Tags: Fiction, General
that I still love you, Tiff? What a fucking loser I am!’
    Tiffany reached out to touch him. She felt awful that Billy had misread all the times they had met up. She’d honestly had no idea he still loved her.
    But Billy backed away. ‘I get it now, Tiff. I won’t bother you any more. Good luck with your half-sister. Perhaps you think you’ll meet some flash celeb through her.’
    ‘Oh, for God’s sake, Billy! You know I don’t want that. I want us to be friends.’ But he was already striding away, head down, shoulders hunched.
    ‘Please, Billy!’ she called after him.
    He turned back briefly. ‘I’m not ready to be friends yet.’ And then he started running. Should she run after him? Tiffany pushed her hair back as the rain became heavier. It was probably best to let him go, but she felt a pang of sadness. That really was it then …

Chapter 8
    ‘SO THIS IS a picture of Tiffany?’ Angel asked, holding up the photo of a young woman. In it Tiffany was walking along a busy street, her long brown hair lifting slightly in the breeze. She was on her mobile and smiling at something the caller was saying to her. Angel couldn’t see any resemblance between her and this beautiful dark-haired girl with a fringe. Tiffany was wearing a black biker jacket, denim shorts, black tights and red Converse. She looked young and fresh-faced and not at all like a stalker-nutter. But neither had über-glam Simone, until she started changing her appearance to look like Angel.
    Sean nodded. Sean Murphy was their head of security, a former soldier who Cal had hired six months ago as he had been worried that their other security guy had become a little complacent. Angel trusted Sean completely – he took his work very seriously, and was a calm, reassuring presence who made her feel safe. He was also a down-to-earth, lovely guy with a great sense of humour. Her daughter Honey already adored him, and he had quickly become an indispensable part of their family.
    ‘D’you think she looks like me?’ Angel asked Cal. The three of them were sitting in the living room.
    ‘I do, actually. You’ve got the same eyes, and the same mouth.’
    Angel looked at the photograph again, but she still didn’t get it.
    She looked over at Sean. ‘So what’s she like?’ He had spent the last two weeks going over every inch of Tiffany Taylor’s life. There was probably very little he didn’t know about her.
    Sean shrugged. ‘She appears genuine. From my investigations, it definitely seems as if she knew nothing about being your half-sister until she received the letter from Tanya. Some of this you already know from the letter she sent you. She comes from what seems to be a happy and stable family – her dad’s a carpenter, her step-mum is a teaching assistant, and she’s got a much younger sister. She went to college and studied Fashion and Textiles, and she’s been trying to get work as a stylist.’ Sean paused. ‘I’m not exactly sure what a stylist does, but I expect you know. And for the last year she has been working as a waitress. She got sacked from that job for apparently throwing pizza and wine over a customer. Now she’s the receptionist at a gym.’
    ‘Not so good at customer relations then,’ Cal said dryly.
    ‘And what’s she like as a person?’ Angel was curious to know.
    ‘She’s got close female friends.’ That scored Tiffany points for Angel, who never trusted women who didn’t get on with other women.
    ‘She seems likeable, down-to-earth and loyal, but clearly has a temper on her, judging by the restaurant incident.’ Sean frowned, as he added, ‘I don’t think too much of her taste in men, and she seems to get through them.’
    ‘Yeah, I realised that I’d seen her before when I helped out a friend who needed security for a club in London. She was with a right idiot. The bloke she was with the other night didn’t seem so bad, though.’
    Cal grinned at Angel. ‘You could give her some

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