Vaewolf: Damn the Darkness: The Prophecy's Promise (Hearts of Darkness Book 3)

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Book: Vaewolf: Damn the Darkness: The Prophecy's Promise (Hearts of Darkness Book 3) by Eliza March Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza March
    “Our bodies remember we needed to breathe at one time.” Dylan entered her mind and slowed her heart rate and her respirations, as well as his own. “At times, you’ll have to focus your mind on your involuntary reflexes to get them under control.”
    “I’ll focus better in the shower,” she said, making him grin. “Alone.”
    An hour later, Caitlin stretched out in the library adjoining the bedroom and sipped the drink Dylan prepared to calm her nerves. This spot in the house, overflowing with tropical plants flourishing in the artificial light, was her favorite place of refuge. The room reminded her of a Hawaiian rain forest, a place she’d always dreamed of visiting.
    And the scent of books—leather, paper, and wood, ancient and new—filled the air, a reminder of a time when she was young and had leisurely enjoyed reading and relaxing on summer vacation...before her family’s troubles. Maybe the drink was working, or perhaps her control finally kicked in. She felt better because of this spot in the house or even the man. Dylan would always be her comfort—
    Just as Dylan entered the room the doorbell rang, and he grinned. “Aye lass, all that fun, and we beat Shelby, too.”
    “Get the door, Romeo and bring her in here so she can take my blood sample. I can’t move.”
    “Did I wear you out?”
    “Exactly. Didn’t know a vampire could experience noodle knees after sex, but that’s exactly what I have.”
    His grin broadened and made her laugh. Dylan had pulled the final ounce of energy from her with the last orgasm.
    She narrowed her eyes on his retreating rear end thinking the way he moved was perfectly appealing. “Feeling all full of yourself are you? Pay back will be fun.”
    “Aye, lass. I heard that. And that it will.”
    Chapter Eight
    Blood and Questions
    He opened the door and invited Shelby and Max in, then led them down the hall to his den.
    “She’s waiting for you in the library, Shelby. Come in and make yourself at home, Max. I’ll get you a drink while Shelby and Caitlin talk girl trash. She can take a look at Caitlin for symptoms, too.”
    “When I get back with the blood, Max can get to work.”
    Dylan wanted to discuss Caitlin’s symptoms privately with Max without anyone present to know about his guilty concerns. He stretched his hearing and waited to be certain they had complete privacy before getting to the subject bothering him.
    “Can we talk?” He rose from the leather chair, rounded the desk, and leaned casually against it. Dylan sighed and offered Max another drink.
    The grin said it all. “If it’s your private stash, of course.”
    For as long as he’d been in the New World, Dylan had been importing scotch from his homeland. Over the years, the whiskey was his only reminder of home and the one way he found he could stomach being away from his old keep in Scotland for all this time.
    “The one great thing about being a vampire is not getting drunk unless you want to. You can appreciate the Scotch whiskey and never suffer the consequences.”
    “Very true, my friend.” Max gripped the glass, took a small sip, and smiled. “Mmm,” he murmured, then he sat back in his chair. “So when you used Shelby’s blood to turn Caitlin, why didn’t you consider all the ramifications then? And why did you supplement Shelby’s blood with yours?”
    Direct and to the point, the question was one Dylan asked himself several times a day, and he still had no satisfactory answer. Had he brushed the concerns off to get what he wanted? No. No, I wouldn’t have done that. Would I? The idea jacked all his defensive machinations to the forefront.
    “Hell, man, she was dying. My life mate was a heartbeat away from eternal death, and I could not stop it any other way.” From his position at the bar, he lowered his head and eyeballed Max, pointing a finger. “How dare you? You made the choice once yourself, did you not—?”
    “I did. Not

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