A Heart's War (The Broken Men Chronicles Book 5)

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Book: A Heart's War (The Broken Men Chronicles Book 5) by Carey Decevito Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carey Decevito
working on a large project, a total facelift and then some.”
    “Yeah, that’s not it.” Paxton sized me up and continued.  “There’s more to it than that.”
    “What’s it matter?” I asked.  “A woman asked me to do some work on her house after it was flooded.”
    He chuckles.  “A woman! Now we’re getting somewhere.”
    Groaning, I flipped him the bird.  “Fuck off.  Do you want to know the story or not?”
    He rolled his eyes.  “Go ahead.”
    I told Paxton about Morgan, her house woes, and the fact that not only had I gotten a large job that would generate funding that would keep me going for the next six months, but that I had also inherited an apprentice of sorts.
    The man laughed.  “So she wants you to teach her how to fix things?”
    Shrugging, I said, “Basically,” and found total concentration on the joist I was reinforcing.
    “Bro, you can stare at that screw all day, it isn’t going to screw itself, you know.” His voice held far too much humor.  “There’s something more with this chick, isn’t there?”
    “What makes you say that?”
    “Well, that hitch in your voice for one proves it, and you haven’t been able to look me straight in the eyes since you started talking about the specifics of that job.  You’re interested in her, aren’t you?”
    “It doesn’t matter. Morgan’s untouchable.”  I wasn’t about to let my brother know that despite the fact I labeled her as such, that I had definitely done some touching, and it hadn’t been as thorough as I would have liked.
    “Morgan…” Paxton rolled her name off his tongue, trying it on for size.  “You mean your neighbour, the one Mom bumped into the other day?”
    I ran my hand through my hair and huffed.  “Christ, I forgot how fast news travels around here.”
    “When Mom’s got something to do with it, yeah, you know it.”  He laughed, his gaze one of understanding. I could see the wheels turning in that head of his.  “So why is she untouchable?”
    I knew he wasn’t going to leave it alone, but I had to get him to drop it.  “P, there’re so many reasons I shouldn’t go there, so let’s just leave it, okay?” I snapped.
    “Yeah, yeah.”  He turned back to his work and said over his shoulder, “You know I’m here to talk to if you need it, right?”
    “Yeah, I know.”

Chapter 15
    By late Sunday morning, the joists were stable, the subfloor was down, my kitchen and entryway tile was on order. While I could have taken some time to relax and enjoy my weekend accomplishments, I found myself in the front yard, tending to some outdoor chores, instead of getting started on installing the main floor carpeting, since the weather was so nice.
    I managed to clear the overgrown rose and other assorted bushes and weeds from the gardens, but not without a few battle wounds from the deadwood and sharp thorns.  Hell, I’m sure an untamed barn cat would have done far less damage, what with the way my forearms looked.
    Backing up a few dozen feet, I took in the look of the front of my house.  Despite the serious need for some scraping and paint, the place was now looking more like a neglected home as opposed to a condemned one.
    Time for the lawn.   I was going to need my brother’s riding mower at the length the grass was at.
    Paxton and I had just finished loading the mower into the back of his truck when I saw someone making their way up the drive on foot.
    When the tailgate was put in place, my brother turned around to see where my eyes were aimed, and emitted a low whistle.  The sight of a tight white tank top and faded cut-offs that bared legs that seemed a mile long made my heart race, and a knot formed in my throat.
    “Wow!” Morgan said, still at a distance.
    “Morgan Smyth?” Paxton blurted out.
    “You know her?” I turned to my brother, keeping things quiet, since she was still out of earshot.
    He nodded.  “Yeah, she does some floral work for Allie every now and

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