A Heart's War (The Broken Men Chronicles Book 5)

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Book: A Heart's War (The Broken Men Chronicles Book 5) by Carey Decevito Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carey Decevito
again, but I’ve never seen this version of her.  What’s she doing here?”  I ignored his question, my eyes turning back to the woman quickly approaching.  Damn, she was hot, but what the hell was she doing back so soon?
    “Hey, Pax.”  She graced him with a grin.
    He nodded.  “What are you doing here?”
    “We’re neighbours,” Morgan said at the same time I replied with, “She’s a client.”
    “Well, both really.” Her gaze trailed me from bottom to top, stopping to meet my eyes and holding them for a moment.  My gaze wandered to her lips when her pink tongue jetted out to moisten them.
    Some time passed before I heard Paxton clear his throat. “Okay then.”  I turned to look at him briefly before glancing in Morgan’s direction again.  “I’ll see you in a few hours, right?”
    “Yeah,” I said, unable to break the connection I had with the woman in front of me.  “Need me to bring anything?”
    He laughed. “Just your appetite.”   My head snapped in my brother’s direction as he opened the driver’s side door.  “Behave.”  I gave him the stink eye when he winked at me, only to turn to face Morgan, witnessing a subtle blush fading.  “Good to see you again, Morgan.  Stop by some time.  You know it doesn’t always have to be about business, right?”  The woman nodded.  “Later, T.”
    “What are you doing here?” I asked as Paxton’s truck turned down the road and kicked up some rocks when he hit the accelerator hard.
    “I wanted to apologize for how I was on Thursday.  And thank you.”
    “It’s what you hired me to do.”
    “You were right, though.”
    “The house does look much more authentic with your design.” I nodded.  “I mean, I knew it would by the drawings, but seeing it in the light of day…”
    Seconds trickled by and nothing more was said.  Awkwardness rolled around us as we evidently had both chosen to ignore the proverbial elephant in the room.
    “Listen,” she started.  “I-”
    “Morgan, I can’t talk right now,” I snapped. “I need to get myself cleaned up and get to my brother’s.”
    “Right.”  Was she disappointed?  “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then.”  She turned and started to make her way back down where she’d come from.
    “Ah, fuck,” I mumbled, and my feet took action. “Morgan, wait.”  I set my hand on her shoulder.
    Bowing her head, she said, “We need to talk,” then turned to face me, her eyes never quite meeting mine.
    I cleared the lump in my throat as she stepped forward.  “I know.” I looked down at her.
    “We can’t ignore what happened, Theo.”
    “No, we can’t.”  I would have loved to say that we could, just to avoid the damning conversation that would most likely have her hate me, not to mention possibly fire me, but I couldn’t. 
    Morgan’s hands landed on my chest as she drew closer and I groaned.  This woman was going to kill me long before my time.  For a tiny sprite, she sure knew how to turn me inside out by just breathing.  My hands moved to her hips and held her in place as we stood there, looking at each other.
    In a split second, her hands wrapped themselves around my neck, pulling me in for a kiss I should have put a stop to, but once again, didn’t.  I chose to ignore all of the red flags inside my head, waving reminders of how I would ruin her, that I wasn’t worthy.  I was too far gone, too lost in the feel of the tiny woman I held against me – her smell, her taste, the peace being around her brought to my soul.
    “Thank you,” she whispered against my lips before giving me a quick peck and backing away.  I let my arms fall away from her, dumbfounded by what had just transpired, as she walked past me and back to where she’d come from.
    I turned to follow her progress, entranced by the sway of her hips, her golden, almost white hair flowing in the breeze.
    Letting out a long

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