The Land of the Free

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Book: The Land of the Free by TJ Tucker Read Free Book Online
Authors: TJ Tucker
appetite for his dinner.  All he could think about now was the call to come
from Bozak, and what he thought his friend would say.
    Time passed, and no call came. 
Finally late for bed and unable to bear the suspense any longer, Robbie called
Evan’s house to find out what had happened.
    “Shirley, it’s Robbie Linssman.”
    “Robbie, have you heard from Evan?”
    “No, that’s why I’m calling.  I was
expecting a call from him tonight.”
    “He hasn’t come home.  He almost
never stays out late, and he always tells me if he’s planning it.  But he
hasn’t said anything today.”
    “I think you should call the police
right away.  I have a bad feeling about this.”

Chapter 15:  Answers to Demands
    One week after Zheng’s visit to the
White House, a memo from the State Department arrived at the Chinese Embassy. 
The signature was that of an undersecretary of State, leaving an unmistakable
message.  The matter was not a priority for the US government.  Across the
Pacific, the USS Clinton carrier battle group was arriving in the Yellow Sea
for exercises with the South Korean navy.  What was not widely discussed was
that the extent of American deployment not only in Iraq and Afghanistan, but
even in stable regions of the world had stretched America’s forces too far. 
Following discussions between Defense Secretary Tyler Matheson and Hanna
Morgensen, who insisted that Matheson “simply find the troops somewhere,”
forces were sent to Taiwan, leaving America nearly undefended.  Even National
Guard troops were depleted to the point of irrelevance.
    Torres’ Friday morning meeting was
with Morgensen, Tyler Matheson and Treasury Secretary Tom Gallant.  “It’s about
midnight in Beijing right now.  It’s probably a couple of hours since they
learned that we ignored their demands.  It’s also likely that they’ve been
briefed on our military moves.  Any thoughts on what to expect?”
    “Much of their reaction will be
preplanned,” replied Morgensen without a hint of prickliness.  “Anything in the
financial markets could occur as early as today.  Any military action might
happen in the next day or two.  Perhaps Mr. Gallant can fill us in on moves
they might make and what countermeasures we intend to take.”
    Gallant was doodling something on
his notepad and looked up, startled at being called upon to express an
opinion.  “What are you thinking they’ll do?”
    Torres cringed momentarily then
stepped in to defend his Treasury Secretary.  “Tom, yields on 10-year
Treasuries and gold prices are of most interest.  Are you seeing any action
    “Nothing,” said Gallant, quickly
scanning his laptop.  “It looks like the price hasn’t moved since last
    “The markets haven’t opened yet,
Tom,” said Morgensen with a wry smile at the obvious embarrassment he had
incurred.  “The Asian markets are closed for the weekend, so only London is
open.  And I’ll help you out here.  It’s been a relatively quiet day by recent
standards.  Gold looks like it’s down a little and yields on the T-bill are
down, but only a little.  This afternoon might look different.”
    “Tyler, what about Defense?” asked
    Matheson had a folder open and was
ready for the question.  “Deployments are underway in Taiwan, and the Clinton
has inserted into Korea’s waters.  I haven’t heard of any reactions yet.”
    Torres nodded to acknowledge
Matheson then added, “Let’s keep on top of the situation.  Hanna, Tyler, keep
me informed of any anomalous actions by the Chinese or North Koreans.  Tom,
convene the Working Group on Financial Markets.  Be ready to intervene in
suppressing gold and boosting Treasuries.  I don’t want any signs of a
financial panic spreading beyond your office.”
    Gallant looked lost, and Morgensen
noticed this.  “Tom, it’s the Plunge Protection Team, and you’re the chairman,
    The Plunge Protection Team, as it

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