The Rancher

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Book: The Rancher by Kelli Ann Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelli Ann Morgan
would work
    after all.
    “I’ll just saddle Bella.  No need to be cramped on that little old seat.” Abby walked toward the stall where her
    mother’s beautiful white mare resided.
    “How ya doin’, ol’ girl?”
    As if in response the Thoroughbred

    lifted her head and whinnied. Abby clenched her hands together to stop them from shaking. “I’m doing the right thing,” she whispered under her breath.
    Once saddled, she hiked the dress up enough she could mount without a problem.  She dropped the heavy layers down around her, the bottom of the dress not able to reach her calves and feet.
    Inappropriate   she   knew,   but,   sherationalized, at this point it could onlyhelp. She shrugged her shoulders andnudged the horse outside of the barntoward the awaiting wagon. “We ready?”
    “You owe me,” Abby caught Lily’smouthed words as she sat in extreme
    proximity to the gawky ranch hand.
    “Thank you,” she mouthed back.
    Davey jumped down from the seat and

    closed the barn doors.   He started climbing back up onto the buckboard when he hopped back off and ran to the house and in through the kitchen doors.  When he returned, he had a list in his hand.
    “Martha woulda had my hide if I’d forgotten her lard and such.” Davey looked down over the list before sticking it safely into his shirt pocket.
    Abby was grateful for the slower pace the wagon provided on the drive into town.   She needed time to calm her nerves. Every few minutes she would glance up and see Lily’s tolerating smile bestowed on the red-headed boy at her side, or she would catch her friend’s pleading glance at her for an end to the torment.

    Silver Falls bustled with folks in townfor the day.   The first weekend of themonth was usually the busiest.  Farmersand ranchers who could not spare the timeaway from their own places often senttheir sons or hired help to pick upsupplies.   Abby looked about and waspleased to see more than a handful ofeligible men roaming the streets today.
    She dismounted and tied Bella to a treejust beyond the church house. Daveypulled the wagon up to the front of the newtelegraph office, which was still a noveltyin town.  Abby watched as he held a handup to Lily, helping her down from the highperch of the buckboard. Once on theground with stable footing, Lily offered ashort curtsy, her head bowed.  Then, shewhipped around to face Abby.   Her

shoulders   squared,   and   she   leaned forward slightly as she made her way to where Abby stood.  As she got closer, her eyes narrowed into slits and her lips pursed together.
    “Abby McCallister,” Lily spoke firmly, “if you ever leave me alone with a hopeful gentleman suitor from your ranch again, I’ll...I’ll...”   She   never   finished  her
    sentence.   A huge bubble of laughter exploded out of her mouth.
    Abby watched in amazement.  She had never seen Lily act anything but the lady in public, and she had lost count of how many times Lily had told her that laughing loudly,   especially  in   front   of  the townspeople, was certainly not lady-like.
    With her faced flushed and her eyes aglow, Lily placed her hands on her hips

    and calmed herself.  Her lips twitched a few times before she gave one small shake of her head and was finished with her outburst. Abby, amused at all the stares they were receiving, couldn’t help a twitch of her own.
    Lily linked her arm through Abby’s and they walked toward the church.
    “Abby, you are my best friend in the whole world.  Are you sure you know what you are doing?”
    “What other choice do I have?”
    Lily opened her mouth to respond when a fight broke out over by the mercantile, between what looked to be the three youngest Spencer boys. Lily’s attention was pulled from Abby and focused on the direction of the ruckus.
    “Will they ever grow up?” Lily asked

    with disgust.
    Abby couldn’t think about that

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