Read Online B.A.D by Caitlin Moran - Free Book Online

Book: B.A.D by Caitlin Moran Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caitlin Moran
Tags: alpha high school pregnancy teens
me back to him. He grumbled something under his breath, too
low for me to catch it, but didn't wake up. I turned around to face
him, his hand moving from my breast.
    As soon as his hand moved
away, he woke up. Haha - horny dog. He smiled when he saw me. I felt happy to know that he smiled when he saw me - I think I
fell in love with it. His smile - not
him... right?
    I smiled back up at him.
    "Have a good night sleep?" his voice
was husky from just waking up.
    "The best." I probably sounded like a
dying cat. His eyes drifted over to my neck and when they saw what
was there they got really big.
    "Shit!" He sat up and I did
too. The regret on his face made me flinch. Did he regret last night? Did he not want me? Was it a
mistake? Was I a
    "What?" I really hoped he didn't
confirm all of my questions. He turned sad eyes onto me.
    "I'm sorry." I was so
confused. Why was he
    "I-I..." he groaned. "We..." he took a
deep breath. "I claimed you." I was still confused.
    "What's that?" My head tilted a bit,
confusion evident. He sighs and lays back down. I lay back down
too. We face each other.
    "When a male - or female - werewolf
bites their mate, they mark them. They are signaling to all other
werewolves that the female or male is taken. The marked wolf's
scent changes when this happens, mixing slightly with the other
wolf's. I-I claimed you."
    "What's the difference?"
    "A mark can fade, a claim cannot. A
claim happens during sex - which we did." I nod, telling him to go
on. "It means that we mated. That we'll be together..." he trails
off and looks at me, a goofy smile etching his pink lips,
    I sat there, stunned. Ha. Rane had to
be with me forever. I then frowned. He frowned too, a little
    "What? You don't want to?" his eyes
showed hurt and pain. The hurt in his eyes made me sad. I
immediately shook my head.
    "N-NO! That's not what my look meant. I
was just going to ask..." he nodded, telling me to just ask. "So
you can't like... cheat on me?" Every girl has been going after
him, I wouldn't be too surprised if he did cheat on me. A growl
rose in his chest rose but I wasn't afraid, not anymore.
    "Never." he growled, eyes darkening.
"After a male has his mate for the first time, there is no going
back. It's disgusting to even look or think about another girl
unless it's in the friend zone. The male will only think, act, and
look sexually at his mate, there is no one else. Only one thing
could break that bond." His eyes stared into mine, burning with its
    I was happy, he wouldn't cheat on me. I
suddenly had a feeling rise up in me. Actually, a lot of feelings.
Sadness, hurt, pain, happiness, love, anger, joy, and so much more.
I looked up at Rane.
    "What's going on?" He seemed confused
for a second but then realization dawned on him.
    "You're feeling all the feeling I have
ever felt. Now that we are mated, we can tell what our mate is
feeling. It's incredible. I felt yours already, last night. A
werewolf will feel it almost immediately. You're a human, it may be
a little slower." I nod, the feelings all flitted through me. I
stored them all away. I then realized something.
    "Even if I'm a human, a male wolf still
feels the same about his... his mate?" I somewhat wanted the answer
- somewhat didn't. He looked at me, eyes burning with an
unidentifiable emotion.
    "Yes. You'll only ever be
    He sealed the deal with a kiss - okay,
maybe more than that.
    When we left his room, hours later, I
was in a pair of his boxers and his shirt. I looked to a smiling
Rane. His smile was huge. He was like a little kid on Christmas who
just got everything he wished for - maybe he did...
    "Come on! I have to show my parents the
mark." I frowned.
    "I haven't even seen it yet!" I voiced
my thoughts. He shakes his head.
    "You will! Let's go! I'm so excited!" I
could tell. I could feel his excitement myself. The feeling bubbled
up within me. I was still getting used to this - feeling everything
he did.

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