Wings of Love

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Book: Wings of Love by Scotty Cade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scotty Cade
and you never heard me.”
    “I’m sorry, I was thinking about Lindsey. We loved the stars, and they are so vibrant tonight,” Mac said.
    “They are indeed—so close, yet so far,” Brad whispered.
    “Bath okay?” Mac asked.
    “Really good; I was so relaxed I dozed off for a few minutes.”
    “Speaking of sleep, I’m pretty tired as well. Why don’t I make us a quick bite, and we can turn in?” Mac said. “We have a big day tomorrow.”
    “Sounds good, can I help?” Brad asked.
    “Sure. How about I make a couple of sandwiches and you toss a salad?” Mac said as he opened the cabin door.
    “You got it,” Brad replied.
    Mac walked into the cabin with Brad behind him. They prepared their dinner and ate mostly in a comfortable silence, both seemingly lost in thought. When they were through eating and everything was clean and put away, Mac folded the dishtowel and threw it over the edge of the sink.
    “I guess that does it,” Mac said. “I think I’ll turn in.”
    Their eyes met for a brief second and lingered. Brad said, “Okay. Good night, Mac.”
    “Sleep tight Brad,” Mac responded. He climbed the ladder to the loft, pulled back the covers, and slipped into bed. Brad threw a few more logs on the fire, and put out all the oil lamps.
    “Hey, Mac?” Brad shouted.
    “Yeah, Brad?”
    “I’ll keep the fire going tonight. No need for you to go up and down the ladder in the dark.”
    “Okay, thanks, I’ll take it tomorrow night,” Mac responded.
    Brad made his way to his bed by the light of the fire, and crawled in. The cabin was silent except for the crackling sound of the wood burning. The sound was soothing, and he fell asleep immediately.
    Unfortunately for Mac, sleep didn’t come. He went over and over the events of the day, the last couple of weeks, and the last five years since he and Brad had met. When they’d first met, Brad was with Jeff. Lindsey had just died, and Mac wasn’t interested in anything but trying to get through a day. And he was straight; what part of being straight had he forgotten? But how could he explain the feelings for Brad he was experiencing? He thought back to high school. He had experimented with a couple of guys while he was on the swim team, but hadn’t every guy at that age? It was enjoyable, sure, but he never thought it would ever go beyond just that, two guys getting their rocks off. He had never ever remembered consciously being attracted to another man. Could it be that I’ve denied that part of myself for all these years? Question after question popped into his mind.
    This attraction couldn’t be real; it had to be something else. He again thought of Lindsey. I can’t betray her with a man. I know she wanted me to move on and find love again, but I’m pretty certain she didn’t mean with a man. And besides, Brad just lost Jeff. The last thing he needs is a straight man coming on to him. What am I saying? I’m not going to hit on Brad. I’m straight!
    Mac grabbed his head with both hands and squeezed his eyes shut. His brain was again on overload. He needed to stop stressing over this infatuation. Winter would be here soon, he would see a lot less of Brad, and whatever he was feeling would just go away. He convinced himself to give it up, hold up his end of the bargain where the cabin was concerned, and pray that winter came very soon.

Chapter 14

    T IME was flying by. They were so busy with the cabin that Halloween and Thanksgiving had come and gone almost unnoticed, and it was now early December. Over the last six months, the two men had fallen into a fairly easy routine. Mac had done his best to deal with his infatuation with Brad by flying as much as he could and staying in Anchorage as much as possible without making Brad feel deserted. After all, he’d gone into this partnership with open eyes, and it wasn’t Brad’s fault he had issues. He owed it to Brad to pull his share of the workload. Most days he would fly his passengers to and

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