Head Over Heels for the Boss (Donovan Brothers)

Read Online Head Over Heels for the Boss (Donovan Brothers) by Susan Meier - Free Book Online

Book: Head Over Heels for the Boss (Donovan Brothers) by Susan Meier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Meier
    Barbara Beth said, “I’m doing your hair.”
    Ellie held up a bag of makeup. “I got this from our makeup artist at the last commercial shoot. So I get your face.”
    Piper smiled. “I’m just here for moral support.”
    Isabelle stepped back to let them inside her living room. “Really. This isn’t necessary. I was just going to do my hair and face the way we did it for work on Thursday.”
    Barbara Beth patted her cheek. “Oh, sweetie. I have so much to teach you.”
    Two hours later, after a call from Finn, the Donovans and Barbara Beth left Isabelle’s apartment. They’d powdered her, made up her face, and put her hair into six different styles until they settled on the one they believed suited her best. And finally they were leaving so she could slip into her dress.
    Before she closed the door, Barbara Beth said, “Remember, you don’t get there until six thirty. You make an entrance.”

    D evon walked to his SUV, waving good-bye to his mother, who sat on the passenger’s side of Bob’s car, smiling. He smiled back, slid inside his vehicle, waited for them to pull out, then laid his head on the steering wheel.
    It was not right for a son to have to see his mom date.
    There. He’d said it.
    For the love of God, he did not want to watch them holding hands, snuggling on the dance floor, or envision them leaving together to stay overnight at Bob’s house…as they had the night before.
    So he had a plan. Right after the wedding dinner, he intended to hit the bar. Hard. He’d give his keys to Finn or Cade and let himself get rip-snorting drunk with Barbara Beth, a good friend who’d just want to have a laugh, nothing more. Then one of his brothers could drive him home. God knew he’d driven them home often enough.
    He arrived at the fire hall and shook his head. The big red trucks sat in the driveway and the empty hall had been decorated with tiny white twinkle lights. Regular folding chairs had been made formal with white linen covers. Tables had been adorned with white linen cloths and pretty yellow-rose centerpieces.
    Isabelle’s centerpieces.
    And his mother was right. They were pretty.
    He almost groaned over thinking like a girl until he remembered that he now owned the flower shop that had provided those centerpieces, and he had a vested interest in them being perfect. Just what the customer had ordered.
    He ambled to the table where Finn and Ellie, Piper and Cade, his mom and Bob sat.
    There were two empty chairs on the far side, so he walked over and pulled one out. As soon as he saw Barbara Beth, he would wave her over. She’d fit in perfectly. Everybody knew her. She was best friends with his two sisters-in-law. And she was fun. Tonight, he needed some fun.
    His brothers and sisters-in-law said, “Hi, Devon” or, “Hey, Devon.” His mother took his hand. “Didn’t Izzy do a great job on the centerpieces?”
    “Yes. How were the flowers at church?” he asked, trying to sound like a boss.
    “They were beautiful,” Ellie said. “Izzy always comes through.”
    “I think you were crazy to move her out of that job into the office,” Piper said, leaning forward. “She has a real talent for arranging flowers.”
    Before Devon could answer, Mary Louise Stevens strolled over. A pretty blonde who’d never given him the time of day, she smiled sweetly at him. “Well, Devon Donovan. It’s nice to see you.”
    It seemed odd for her to say that since he’d just spent two hours with her the day before at the bank, handling some wire transfers. Still, he politely rose and said, “It’s nice to see you, too, Mary Louise.”
    She put her hand on his forearm. “As I was saying at the bank yesterday, it’s good to see you out of the office.”
    Oh, yeah. He remembered that now. She’d all but thrown herself at him. Mostly because she’d gotten a good look at three of the family’s accounts. She’d probably faint if she realized that wasn’t even one percent of

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