Head Over Heels for the Boss (Donovan Brothers)

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Book: Head Over Heels for the Boss (Donovan Brothers) by Susan Meier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Meier
into a warm smile. His heart stopped.
    “My mom has a way of always getting what she wants from my dad.”
    The girls laughed. The men groaned. But Devon sat mesmerized by her and the knowledge that right at that moment he’d give Isabelle anything she wanted.
    The DJ’s mike suddenly became live, sending a shriek of feedback through the cavernous fire hall. “And now, ladies and gentlemen, I’m pleased to announce the wedding party.”
    Isabelle’s head snapped around so she could see the line of bridesmaids and groomsmen as the DJ announced them. Ellie, Piper, and Isabelle commented on the dresses and tuxes, with his mom adding an occasional odd comment. Devon didn’t care. He was glad for the five-minute reprieve to catch his breath.
    The day Isabelle had come to work dressed differently, he’d noticed that she was gorgeous, all grown up, and sexy in a feminine way that about drove him crazy. But he also didn’t date employees. He didn’t date at all. So if he did anything with Isabelle, it would be just for sex. And…seriously…even considering that with her was wrong.
    The bride and groom arrived and, finally, dinner was served. A lively conversation ensued when Cade talked about having homes on both sides of the country.
    “Anytime we want, Piper and I can get in the plane, and in a few hours we’re away from the hustle and bustle of life around here.”
    Isabelle laughed. “I’d hardly call Harmony Hills hustle and bustle.”
    Finn said, “It’s still good to have a retreat. A place you can go to get away from things.”
    Isabelle glanced at Devon, smiled, then faced his family again. “I sort of like it here.”
    Had she just flirted with him?
    “You mean you don’t like the idea of your parents getting a beach house and having somewhere to crash two or three times a year when you just want to get away?”
    Isabelle laughed. “I never thought of that. I’ve been so busy missing my parents that I forgot there was an upside to their moving.”
    “But you still miss them?” And maybe that was why she seemed to be acting so oddly around him. Maybe her unusual behavior was nothing more than her reaction to the overwhelming feeling of being alone.
    “I do miss them.”
    Younger members of the Dinner Belles walked around with carts, collecting empty dishes, then serving dessert. The best man made a toast. The maid of honor sang a rap song about her sister, the bride, that had everyone in stitches. As the atmosphere became more casual, Cade leaned back, slid his arm around Piper’s chair. Bob sat back and slid his arm around Devon’s mother’s chair. Finn leaned over and all but cuddled with his pregnant wife.
    The only two not huddled together were him and Isabelle.
    The DJ introduced the bride and groom and they danced. The bride danced with her father. The groom danced with his mother.
    Devon looked at his watch. Just when he thought he’d had enough of being uncomfortable, and was getting ready to go find Barbara Beth, the DJ shifted gears, a slow song began to play, and he invited everyone to the dance floor.
    Finn and Ellie rose. Bob and his mom rose. Even cantankerous Cade rose and offered his hand to his beautiful wife.
    Devon glanced at Isabelle, and she smiled shyly. His heart thumped once, but he told it to stop. With everyone pairing off on the dance floor, it became painfully obvious that someone had set him up.

    I sabelle knew the second he’d caught on. His demeanor changed. At first when she’d walked over, he’d appeared to be shocked. Then sort of dumbfounded by the gorgeous dress Ellie had let her borrow. Now everybody had gone out to dance, but he hadn’t offered to dance with her.
    She sucked in a breath. As Barbara Beth said, she had to be bold.
    “You wouldn’t like to dance, would you?”
    He shook his head. “Izzy—” He sighed heavily. “Belle,” he said, correcting himself.
    She remembered the cute little look her mother always used with her dad and said,

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