Summer Rush

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Book: Summer Rush by Ashley Wilcox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Wilcox
Tags: General Fiction
That’s all he says before heading for the exit.
    I stand there frozen, not really knowing how I’m supposed to feel.
    “Hope, snap out of it! What the hell happened to the smiling girl that was just here ten minutes ago?” Kelly comes up next to me, snapping her fingers in my face.
    “It left with the sight of Trent.”
    “Wait, what? Trent was here?” she asks, confused.
    “Yup, and he looked like shit which makes me feel like shit,” I say in a pitiful dry tone.
    Stepping in front of me, Kelly grips my arms, squaring myself to her, and whips me back into shape like a true friend does. “Hope, you’ve gotta stop beating yourself up about this. Shit happens. People breakup, and fall for other people. It’s called dating. It’s normal–you’re normal. Now get over it. There’s a hot ass guy over there that puts a smile on your face like I’ve never seen before. Let yourself be happy, you deserve it!”
    Rubbing my face with my hands, I know she’s right. I know I’m young and bound to go through multiple relationships before finding “the one”, but it doesn’t change the fact that I feel terrible about what I’ve done to Trent. Although I never physically cheated on Trent, I feel like I have over the past year. Since that first day when Joey walked into the restaurant and ruffled my feathers, I knew that we had a connection; I knew there was something there, but I tried to ignore it–I tried to fight it. I couldn’t accept the fact that someone like Joey could capture my heart when it belonged to Trent. I couldn’t fathom being with anyone other than Trent–he’s the perfect boyfriend, and would make the perfect husband, and someday the perfect father to my children. I can see it. I just can’t feel it.
    Filling two glasses with cola, I shake the depressing thoughts tormenting my brain, and head back to Joey’s table. He’s in deep conversation with the boy he’s sitting with, allowing me a moment to take in the perfection of his body without being stared down by his mesmerizing eyes. He’s nothing I’ve ever been attracted to, but everything I’m currently drawn to.
    Interrupting their conversation, I place their drinks in front of them and ask if they’re ready to order.
    “Hope, please tell my brother that he’s not going to be eaten by a shark if he takes surfing lessons!”
    Laughing, I respond, “You actually have more of a chance of injuring yourself by your board, than a shark.”
    “See! Stop making excuses,” Joey says, gently hitting his brother upside the head.
    Why do Italian men always do that? Weird.
    “Ow! Okay, okay…I’ll take a damn lesson,” his brother responds, rubbing his head. “But if I get eaten by a shark, I’m blaming it on you.”
    “If you get eaten by a shark, you won’t be around to blame it on anyone,” Joey laughs.
    “Now that’s really gonna get him out in the water,” I point out, hitting Joey upside the head.
    What the heck–now I’m hitting people on the head!
    “Hey!” Joey yells, shocked that I hit him.
    “I like this girl already,” his brother says with a huge smile.

    “I left our money on the table. See you in the morning?” Joey asks, approaching me next to the waitress stand.
    “It’s a date…no…I mean, yeah, I’ll be there, but not as a date…just to surf,” I answer, stumbling on my words.
    It’s a date. Way to go, Hope!
    “It’s a date,” he says with a sly smirk.
    I stand there, heart throbbing, butterflies flapping, as I watch him walk out the front door.
    “So, a date, huh?” Kelly comes up behind me, startling me.
    “No, I uh, don’t know why I said that.”
    “Anyways, where ‘ya goin’?” she asks, intrigued.
    “He’s just meeting me in the morning at the beach.”
    “Wait a second…you, Hope, are letting someone surf with you?” she asks like it’s the craziest thing she has ever heard.
    “Yeah, so?”
    “So? This is uncharted territory. No person has ever been allowed to

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