Head Over Heels for the Boss (Donovan Brothers)

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Book: Head Over Heels for the Boss (Donovan Brothers) by Susan Meier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Meier
their money.
    He started to say, “I have a lot of work—” just as Izzy walked in the front door, and his mouth fell open. Her hair had been swept up on one side, pinned back by a pink flower. Nothing too big. Just the right size to look kind of sexy. His gaze skimmed down over a pink sparkly dress that stopped mid-thigh—and she had the legs for it. Now, not only was he dealing with the fact that she wasn’t a kid anymore, he was seeing her as a gorgeous, sexy woman. It was as if someone had waved a magic wand and she’d changed overnight.
    Mary Louise stiffened. “Oh, look, it’s Izzy.”
    Devon said, “Belle.”
    “Excuse me?”
    “She likes to be called Belle.”
    Mary Louise shot him a look of confusion.
    Ellie said, “She works for us now.”
    Piper said, “Yeah, and that extra seat is for her.”
    Mary Louise glanced at Devon. He raised his hands helplessly, though he was abundantly glad he wouldn’t have to sit by her.
    Always polite, Mary Louise said, “Well, it was nice to see you.” She took a slow breath and renewed her smile as she glanced at his brothers and their wives, his mom and Bob. “It was nice to see all of you.”
    She walked away and Devon sat again. Cade said, “What was that all about?”
    “I think after Mary Louise got a look at a few of our bank accounts yesterday, I suddenly became interesting.”
    Finn laughed.
    “It’s not funny. She’s not the first woman to make a pass at me since we inherited Pap’s money. You guys are lucky you’re married already.”
    Even as he said that, he glanced at the front of the hall and saw Isabelle again. She greeted the bride and groom, signed the guest book, and walked over to their table. Her shiny pink dress shimmered as she walked. Her legs were works of art.
    “Hi, everybody.”
    Cade, Finn, and Bob rose. It took a second for Devon to get his bearings, then he scrambled to his feet. He couldn’t believe he was so shell-shocked that he forgot his manners.
    “Hey, Izzy.”
    She met his gaze with a soft smile. “It’s Belle, remember?”
    He swallowed. Hadn’t he just corrected Mary Louise? Why was his mind suddenly a big, empty hole? “Right. Belle.”
    “We have an extra seat,” Ellie said, pointing to the empty chair beside him. “Why don’t you join us?”
    His mom said, “Yes, Izzy. Join us.”
    He noticed that she didn’t correct his mom about the name, but somehow that only made her request that he call her Belle hotter. Like a pet name. Or a term of endearment you’d have for a lover.
    No! What the hell was happening to his brain? Yes, he took lovers. He had affairs. But Isabelle Cooper—cute little green-thumbed tomboy Izzy—was not the kind of girl to be somebody’s lover.
    She smiled that pretty smile again, and all the blood in Devon’s body whooshed through him. Resisting the urge to drop his head to his hands, he reminded himself that it might take a bit of work, but he would control himself.
    Isabelle said, “Thanks. I think I will join you.” She walked around the table to the empty chair beside him.
    Remembering his manners, he pulled the chair out for her. Even the way she sat was pretty. Delicate. Sensual. He’d have never in a million years expected this from the girl who usually dressed like a farmer. But she was no farmer tonight. She wasn’t even an office worker. She was just a beautiful woman.
    He tugged his collar away from his throat, took a breath, and sat beside her.
    Piper said to Isabelle, “I heard your parents left a few days ago.”
    She set her sparkly purse beside her plate, and Devon noticed those long pink nails again. “The house hunt has officially begun.”
    Finn said, “Any idea where they want to live?”
    “They love to play golf, but if my mom has her way they’ll be on the beach.”
    “The beach can be pricey,” Devon said. “Your dad will hate spending that kind of money.”
    She turned to face him. Her incredible green eyes held his as her pink lips lifted

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