Best in Show

Read Online Best in Show by Laurien Berenson - Free Book Online

Book: Best in Show by Laurien Berenson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurien Berenson
Tags: Suspense
case, I ought to hit her up for even more tickets.”
    â€œDon’t worry. I’m sure Christian will buy his share.” Aunt Peg waved away Bertie’s and my objections as she picked up the check and signed it to her room. “I dare say we’ve left Mr. Bradley to his own devices quite long enough. Who would like to walk back down to the grooming room with me and see if he’s still around?”
    â€œI’ll go,” I volunteered. “But first I want stop in my room and pick up Eve. While we’re downstairs, she can have her evening run.”
    Bertie begged off due to fatigue, and promised she’d see us at the symposium the following morning. Aunt Peg headed to her room to fetch Hope. Ten minutes later, we met downstairs outside the grooming room. The two Poodles scooted around the carpeted hallway, greeting each other with joyous leaps and playful bows.
    By now, the room was nearly empty. Later in the week, the preparations and primping would continue until all hours of the night. But this early, with only the obedience trial on tap for the next day, most exhibitors had already packed up and left. The Boone sisters were gone, as were the handlers we’d seen earlier, including Damien Bradley.
    â€œThat’s good news, right?” I said, staggering back slightly as the two big black Poodles bounced off my legs in their play.
    â€œLet’s hope so.” Aunt Peg didn’t sound convinced.
    We headed out the door on the other side of the hall. Even though it was June, the evening air still held a chill. Following Aunt Peg outside, I was glad I’d thought to pick up a sweater in my room.
    By night, the field that had been designated as our exercise area was a sea of darkness and shadow. The hotel had outdoor lights but their beams were meant to light the walkways that ran beside the building. Aunt Peg and I weren’t the only ones outside with our dogs, but the ranks of those looking to exercise their Poodles had thinned considerably. For most exhibitors, the day’s work was finished. The hotel bar was probably doing a booming business.
    I’d been planning to let Eve loose to have another run before going to bed but abruptly I realized how easy it would be to lose sight of the black puppy in the shadows. The L-shaped hotel bordered two sides of the field. The third was edged by a stand of trees and the last ran along the parking lot. It wasn’t the best situation.
    Aunt Peg, whose older Poodle had had more training than Eve, didn’t even hesitate. She unsnapped Hope’s leash and let her go. After a moment, I followed suit. Immediately, the two Poodles dashed away.
    â€œI hope that wasn’t a mistake,” I said, staring into the night. Eve and Hope were running flat out. Neither Poodle was accustomed to spending most of the day crated; now they worked off their excess energy by galloping side by side, dodging and feinting, each trying to bowl the other over with a playful shove.
    â€œMy Poodle comes when she’s called.” Aunt Peg slanted me a challenging look.
    â€œSo does mine,” I muttered. “Usually.”
    Peg handed me Hope’s leash to hold. “Since we’re just standing here, I think I’ll hunt up a poop-scoop and go patrol the field. With this much of it in darkness, I imagine people think they can get away with anything. Keep an eye on those two, will you?”
    Of course that task was easier said than done. My job was helped by the fact that the pair was staying together, but hindered by the speed with which they traversed the vast grassy area. Finally their mad dash slowed, then stopped. I watched both Poodles sniff the ground, then squat to pee.
    I was about to call them back in when I saw Hope’s head snap up. Her ears pricked, her attention caught by something I couldn’t see. Suddenly she whipped around and took off toward the end of the building that bordered

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