3013: SYNERGY: A 3013 Novella (3013: The Series)

Read Online 3013: SYNERGY: A 3013 Novella (3013: The Series) by Laurie Roma - Free Book Online

Book: 3013: SYNERGY: A 3013 Novella (3013: The Series) by Laurie Roma Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurie Roma
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Paranormal, Military, Angels

    Silence met Morgan’s statement.
    “I guess that wasn’t what you were
expecting to hear.” She watched their expressions change from shock to anger.
    After a long pause, Blaiz asked, “How
were you able to read him when we aren’t able to get past their shields even
though we are seekers?”
    “I’m a Class-A Empath, with a little
extra.” She held up her gloved hands. “My abilities are strong enough that I
can even read objects after someone has touched them. So, when I brushed
against Lorn, the amount of hate rolling off that male was enough to make me
sick if the bond I have with Orion hadn’t helped me. If I had touched that
asshole with bare skin, I probably would have thrown up all over him.”
    “I would have liked to see that,” Daven
    Orion pulled Morgan toward an empty
table and waited for her to sit before taking the chair next to her. He pulled
off one of her gloves, then took her hand in his, reaching up with his other
hand to stroke her hair. “I’m not pleased you risked touching him, and you will
never do so with bare skin if it will make you ill.”
    Morgan shuddered. “Trust me, I’m not
planning on it.”
    “Good. Now, tell us exactly what you
    She took the next few minutes to
briefly explain how her gift worked to Daven and Blaiz. After she gave them the
background they needed, she told them what she’d felt the instant Ivan and Lorn
had walked over to join them. She admitted that she’d purposely brushed up
against the male in order to try to figure out why she’d felt so uneasy around
them, and saw Orion’s fierce frown.
    “He has to be up to something if he
wants the position. And all that stuff he said about it being nice to meet me
was total bullshit. What he really felt was disgust and pity for you because
you’re stuck with a human keeper.”
    “I’m going to kill that worthless
little fucker,” Orion bit out through clenched teeth. “He will answer for his
    Morgan could feel his anger, but thankfully,
it didn’t make her sick. Their conversation was interrupted when a Krytos
female walked over to their table.
    “Hi, Morgan! I didn’t see you sneak in.
And I see you’ve got yourself some good looking wind riders with you. Welcome
to Asylum,” she said cheerfully to the males. “I’m guessing you’re here for the
grand opening?”
    “Shay, this is my keeper.” Morgan gestured
toward Orion, then she introduced Shay to the males.
    The Krytos’ eyes went wide. “Holy shit
storm, you’re mated?”
    Morgan grinned at her friend. “Weird,
    Orion bristled beside her and squeezed
her hand. “Why is it weird?”
    “Because she usually avoids males like
the plague,” Shay explained before Morgan could. “Damn, girl. Congratulation,
he’s hot.”
    “Careful, he’s mine,” Morgan warned
with a laugh.
    “Oh, I know. But I’m not blind,” Shay
said with a wink. “Let me get your order before I get myself in trouble.”
    They gave her their drink and food
orders after she told them the specials for the day. After she left, Blaiz
stared at Morgan from across the table. “I thought females got jealous when
another expressed interest in their male.”
       “Oh, we do, but…” Morgan
pointed toward the bar. “Do you see that male she’s talking to? And the two
guys standing near the entrance? Those extremely possessive, large males are
her mates.”
    Orion smiled at her. “That may be, but
I still know that you didn’t like her complimenting me.”
    She sniffed delicately. “So? I seem to
recall you took exception to Daven kissing my hand earlier.”
    “And that will be the last time that ever
happens,” he promised darkly.
    Daven and Blaiz laughed, then tried to
hide their amusement as Shay returned to their table with their drinks. After
her tray was empty, Shay tucked it beneath her arm and lowered her voice to a
whisper. “Do you know who those Dragon Warriors

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