Tomb of the Lost

Read Online Tomb of the Lost by Julian Noyce - Free Book Online

Book: Tomb of the Lost by Julian Noyce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julian Noyce
so I can see the quality of the pile. ”
    “ This way is better Caesar. ”
    Julius bent at the knee and brought the sword in close where the carpet was tied at one end.
    “ Please be careful. The carpet is quite delicate. ”
    “ Don ’ t worry. I can be deft with a sword. ”
    He gently cut the string and proceeded to the other end and cut that one as well. Then turning his back on Apollodorus he took hold of the end of the rug and with great strength he pulled the carpet towards himself. It began to unroll, turning and turning and when it reached the end a female figure rolled out onto the floor and stopped, face down. Julius looked puzzled for a few
    moments. The girl ’ s dress was plain.
    “ What ’ s this Apollodorus. You bring a slave girl to me at this hour. ”
    The girl turned over slowly and propped herself up on one elbow. Her long dark hair was in ringlets about her head. One had come loose and was down across her face. Her right leg was bent up at the knee and her split in her dress had fallen away to reveal a shapely, smooth thigh.
    Caesar extended his hand but the girl swatted it away as she brushed the hair from her face.
    “ I am no slave. ”
    Apollodorus jumped to his feet.
    “ Hail Cleopatra. Daughter of Isis. Queen of upper and lower Egypt. ”
    Julius Caesar pulled the girl to her feet.
    “ Queen Cleopatra did you say? ”
    “ Yes, ” she retorted straightening her dress and brushing carpet fluff from her arms.
    The Roman glared at her open mouthed, then at Apollodorus, then at the rug. Then he threw back his head and roared with laughter.
    “ My dear girl is this some sort of elaborate hoax? ”
    “ It ’ s no hoax and you should not be mocking me. Caesar I had to come to you, to speak urgently with you and I and Apollodorus came up with this plan so as my brother and his guards would not be suspicious. ”
    “ Ah yes your brother. But you are Queen are you not? ”
    “ You ’ ve met my brother, spoken with him. Did you not see how those two, Pothinus and Theodotus control him. ”
    “ Theodotus? Ah yes, the boy King ’ s school teacher is he not? ”
    “ My brother is a puppet. It is those two who secretly rule. Ptolemy has no power. He is duped by the rest of them, and Achillas. ”
    “ They have all been summoned to my audience. You were the last one on my list. All except Achillas who is as yet unaccounted for. ”
    “ That ’ s because Achillas has slipped through your net mighty Caesar. He is as we speak racing through the desert to his army on the banks of the Nile. ”
    She saw the discomfort on the Roman dictator ’ s face.
    “ I ’ m afraid Caesar that you find yourself in a desperate situation. ”
    His head was aching and his throat dry. He put the sword down on a table within reach. He poured himself some wine and drank thirstily.
    “ Have you had the wine tested to make sure it contains no poison? ”
    He took the cup away from his lips and studied it.
    “ At least it would put me out of my misery. An end to my … . ” he searched for her word, “… .desperate situation. ”
    She crossed the gap between them.
    “ Caesar I must insist that you reinstate me as Queen as soon as possible. Sole ruler preferably. ”
    He was rubbing his brow, tired now. He took his hand away to look at her. She was quite plain looking. He knew she was twenty one, her voice sexy, her breasts full. Her body was slim and her skin that he could see was
    blemish less. She was quite beautiful he decided.
    “ I ’ m afraid that ’ s impossible. ”
    “ Impossible? ”
    “ The agreement made between Rome and your father was that yourself and your brother would rule the lands of upper and lower Egypt jointly. Rome
    was and is to be an arbiter in the situation only. Egypt was to keep its own laws and customs. ”
    “ So you ’ re going to do nothing? ”
    “ I didn ’ t say that. I merely said that until you and your brother are in my presence at the same time I can make no

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