Bayou Paradox

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Book: Bayou Paradox by Robin Caroll Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Caroll
a mix of emotions: excitement and relief with a bit of annoyance added in. Her sister stood beside her, hand on hip. Ah. That explained the annoyance.
    â€œI’d just left her room when the machines let out an awful beep.” Tara became animated in the retelling of the event.
    Seeing her enthusiasm made Bubba’s heart beat a little faster. Man, she was something.
    â€œYou were kicked out of her room for visiting outside the proper schedule,” Alyssa blurted out, disapproval edging her voice.
    â€œSince when do you care so much about law and order?” Tara rolled her eyes and then met Bubba’s gaze. “Anyway, as I was saying, the machine went haywire, so I ran back into the room. The nurse was flustered, pressing buttons and stuff, when Grandmere woke up.” Her eyes were like pools of smooth chocolate as her smile flickered into them. His stomach knotted into a tight ball.
    â€œThe nurse called the doctor, who’s examining her now.” She cut her gaze to the hallway. “We should hear something from him any minute. I also asked about Tanty.” Tara looked directly at Bubba, her voice softening now. “There’s no change.”
    It didn’t make sense. If the two comas were connected, why had Mrs. LeBlanc awakened while his aunt still lay in the coma’s dark grasp?
    Tara put a hand on his forearm. “I’m so sorry.”
    That she understood his conflicting emotions and empathized with him meant the world to him, though he wasn’t sure why. He’d analyze that later. He coughed to clear his throat. “Once the doctors complete their tests tomorrow, I can ask your grandmother what happened. Maybe we’ll get some much-needed answers.”
    Alyssa clutched Jackson’s arm. “At least she woke up. That’s got to mean she’ll be okay with no permanent damage.” She looked at Bubba. “When you were in a coma, the doctors were concerned your vital organs would start shutting down the longer you stayed under.”
    He knew the drill all too well.
    Tara jabbed her sister in the ribs. “ Cooyon! Tanty’s still in a coma.”
    Clamping her hand over her mouth, Alyssa turned pale and her eyes widened. “I’m so sorry, Sheriff. I didn’t think.”
    â€œIt’s okay.”
    But it wasn’t. Tanty had been in a coma longer than Mrs. LeBlanc. She should’ve been the one to come out first. That would’ve been right. Fair. Then again, whoever said life was fair?
    A doctor appeared in the doorway. “Are y’all Mrs. LeBlanc’s family?”
    Alyssa and Tara pivoted and answered yes together.
    â€œPreliminary results reflect a positive prognosis for Mrs. LeBlanc. We’re still running more tests, but by all indications, the coma caused no lasting damage.”
    The sisters clung to one another as tears streaked down their faces.
    â€œWe’re going to remove the machines. We’ll continue to run tests throughout the night.”
    â€œWhen can we see her?” Alyssa asked.
    The doctor shook his head. “Not for several hours. Five at least.” He held up his hand against any protest. “We have to continue these tests to know how to best treat the patient. And she’s exhausted, or will be after the battery of tests. She’ll need her rest.”
    â€œCan’t we see her for just a minute?” Tara asked.
    Might be none of his business, but Bubba knew exactly, or pretty close, how drained their grandmother felt. “The doctor’s right.”
    Everyone stared at him.
    â€œI remember. It’s taxing every time they take you off a machine. And even though she’s been in a coma, she’ll just want to sleep.” He shrugged. “At least, I did.”
    The doctor nodded at him gratefully.
    â€œWhat time do you suggest we return?” Jacks asked the doctor.
    â€œCome around noon. We’ll have concluded our tests, and Mrs. LeBlanc

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