Stealing a Lady's Heart: A Regency Fairytale (Fairfield Fairytales Book 1)

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Book: Stealing a Lady's Heart: A Regency Fairytale (Fairfield Fairytales Book 1) by Tammy Andresen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tammy Andresen
desire like this before and she longed to explore it. She desperately wished to touch his skin and her hand skimmed down his arm and trailed across the back of his hand.
    “Charlotte,” his voice held a warning. She drew her hand back like she had touched fire.
    “I didn’t mean, I just wanted…” her words trailed off.
    Graham laid them down, still holding her in his arms.  “I know,” he snuggled her closer with the fire to her back and his heat on her front.  “Let’s get some rest.”
    Charlotte had slept the entire day, and this had been the strangest night of her life.  In addition, desire was curling through her center and spreading throughout her entire body. She didn’t think she would ever fall asleep. She lay there for a few minutes contemplating how she could sneak Graham away and plant more kisses on his mouth. But her thoughts were interrupted by a soft but definite snore.  Graham had fallen asleep.
    Charlotte let out an exasperated huff. How could he fall asleep? 
    She heard Will, Tom and Nick chuckle. Will leaned over, “He hasn’t slept in two days. He has carried you for the past four hours down towers and through ocean waters.”
    Charlotte scowled. Will was always plain spoken and it irritated her now. She didn’t want to admit that he had a point.
    Tom got up, “I’ll take first guard.”
    She snuggled closer to Graham’s warm body and, in a matter of minutes, fell asleep too.


    The next morning dawned far earlier than any of them would have liked. But they were thankful to have made it without being discovered by the marquess or attacked by his men.
    Will, who had taken second guard, stoked the fire and then left to catch some breakfast. 
    Tom gathered more wood, while Nick waited for Graham to wake. 
    Graham winked at his brother. Charlotte was still sleeping and determined to stay that way. She pressed her body the length of his, with her arms wrapped tightly around him.  Graham’s entire body was rock hard, most notably between his legs.  She looked incredibly beautiful and his eyes lingered on her lips, remembering their kisses.
    Nick looked pointedly at Charlotte, “We have a problem.”
    Graham nodded and sighed. “We have several.  The first is finding Charlotte some clothes. She can’t travel through Scotland and England wearing a nightdress.”
    “That wasn’t what I was talking about,” Nick stared more fixedly at his brother.
    “I haven’t forgotten my place in this world,” Graham said as he stroked her hair.  He wished he could forget his place as the third son of a lowly baron.  He would sweep Charlotte up, marry her and keep her in his bed for weeks or months. Then he would build her a life that fulfilled her every dream.
    It wasn’t to be though. She wanted him now, when he stood between her and danger. But when they returned--if they returned--to the civilized world, she would find a worthy duke, or prince, or a marquess to marry. That man would give her the style and comfort that she deserved.
    His only source of revenue was as a locksmith. What kind of life could he provide for her?
    “I just don’t want your heart broken brother,” Nick whispered.
    “There is nothing to be done for it. I will do whatever I have to do to keep her safe as I return her home.” Graham’s voice was barely above a whisper.
    “That is a heavy price to pay,” Nick shook his head.
    Graham did not know how to explain to his brother that her happiness was more important than his own. He had never been in love and he didn’t recognize the emotion. Instead he changed the subject. “How are we going to hide from Lord Bard?”
    Nick shook his head. “I don’t know. Nor do I know how we are going to acquire horses or clothes or food. We have no money.”
    Will returned with seven fat crabs. “You worry too much brothers. I’ll catch our food and sell more. Tom is collecting sticks to weave a few baskets. We can use them

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