After The Snap

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Book: After The Snap by Peyton Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peyton Miller
him a long time ago but strung him on for some reason Colby couldn’t fathom.
    Neil covered his dick, his eyes wide, his lips turned down in a frown. “Listen, Colby, this doesn’t change a thing. We can still be together. You know I love you. It’s just you’ve been traveling so much. I needed—”
    “No!” Colby roared. “You don’t get to blame this on me. Two months ago I asked you about a hotel bill and you told me not to worry, that it was something about work and you putting up a client, but that was a lie, wasn’t it? Were you with Deshaun that night or someone else?”
    Deshaun’s eyes went wide and Neil blanched. It was obvious Deshaun had no clue about the hotel.
    “Let me guess,” Colby said, “it was some other guy. Have you ever not been fucking around on me?” Colby waited for an answer but realized after a few seconds he shouldn’t have even asked the question because deep down he really didn’t want to know. He’d been duped for God only knew how long, and he wasn’t going to put up with it any longer.
    They’d only been living together for a year and they hadn’t combined too many of their things—thank God they hadn’t put any of their money together. He would rather walk away and lose his things than suffer the total loss of his dignity and his mind, anyway.
    Regret ate at him. His heart thudded and his body vibrated with anger. He couldn’t stay, couldn’t put up with this, not any longer. He deserved better than a man who would cheat on him.
    “I’ll be by tomorrow to get my stuff. I’m going to grab a few clothes before I leave,” Colby said.
    “Don’t, I’ll go.” Deshaun stepped away from the wall but stopped when Colby narrowed his gaze.
    He stared at Deshaun, wondering how much trouble he’d get into for punching the man. He balled his fists, keeping his arms straight at his sides. “Oh no, it didn’t look like you two finished. Go on, fuck him, Neil.”
    Neil held out his hand. “Colby, don’t be a jerk.”
    “A jerk? A jerk? Really, a jerk.” Colby spread his hands wide and waved at the bed, then Deshaun. “A goddam fucking jerk!” Colby yelled. “Fuck him. Fuck him now! Because you sure as fuck didn’t care about me a minute ago. How long have you been fucking him? How long? Did you fuck him in our bed last week while I was gone? Our fucking bed! Fuck you, Neil!”
    Colby’s hands were shaking hard, and he really didn’t want to come unglued, but he was helpless to his unhinged emotions. If Neil said one more thing, he might really become hysterical. Out of control was only the tip of the iceberg. He didn’t want to get into a fight tonight, and if Neil or Deshaun pushed, he’d throw a punch.
    Neil stepped closer. “Colby, please, I just—”
    “No!” Colby roared. “No more. No more. Just shut up and sit down. I can’t talk to you right now. I’m too upset. Good God, how fucking long—wait, don’t answer that.”
    “Colby,” Neil whispered but Colby couldn’t look at him. He was pissed as a wet cat on a cold night. There wasn’t any recovery for them. No matter what Neil said, he would never trust the man again. When he’d assumed Neil was having an affair, he’d thought about him sleeping with someone else, a stranger maybe, but he hadn’t imagined it would be this hard to deal with the fact that Neil was fucking a friend, someone they both knew. Seeing Neil with another guy destroyed him. Why hadn’t he listened to his gut? Maybe that’s why he was so upset. He’d known that something had been off with Neil, but he hadn’t listened to his own heart in the matter. For months he’d suspected, but Neil had convinced him he was wrong. Could he ever trust his instincts again? Fuck, would he ever trust another?
    Colby pulled together a bag of clothes and left the room, stopping at the door to grab his other suitcase, the one he’d taken on his business trip, and his computer. He glanced back at the bedroom door, part of him

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