Victoria and the Alien Doctor (Intergalactic Brides 2)

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Book: Victoria and the Alien Doctor (Intergalactic Brides 2) by Jessica Coulter Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith
Tags: BIN 07407-02389
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first dose now. Then we’ll come see Syl again in another week for your next dose.”
    Syl handed him the serum.
    “Is this the exact dosage needed?” Xonos asked.
    “Yes. I’ll have to make more before next week, but now that I know how, it should be simple enough.”
    Xonos extracted the liquid then gave Evie an encouraging smile before he administered the dose. She didn’t even wince as the needle went into her arm. Syl disposed of the syringe for Xonos and then welcomed them to explore the lab a bit. Evie was curious about the different gadgets around her and asked a ton of questions, but Syl never lost his patience with her.
    The door opened and Brielle bustled in. Well, more like waddled in. Her pregnancy had progressed to the seventh month, but she was as beautiful as ever. Xonos glanced at Victoria, wondering what she would look like when she carried his child. The thought heated his blood and he had to control his body before he embarrassed himself.
    “Xonos!” Brielle threw her arms around him and hugged him as tight as she could. “Syl mentioned you were coming today. This must be your new family.”
    “Brielle, this is my mate, Victoria, and my daughter, Evie.”
    Brielle shook hands with Victoria and Evie, a bright smile plastered on her face. If she noticed how pale Evie was, or how brittle and thin her hair was, she didn’t show it. She treated the little girl just like she would any other, and it warmed Xonos’ heart. He wanted everyone to treat Evie like a normal little girl, and one day she would be one. If he had to volunteer some of his time to Syl and Kronk, he would gladly do so.
    “It’s nice to meet you,” Victoria said, eyeing Brielle’s large stomach. “How far along are you?”
    “Seven months. Xonos examined me last week and told us we’re having a girl. I can’t wait!”
    Evie studied Brielle a moment before looking up at Victoria. “Mommy, are you and Daddy going to have a baby too? I’ve always wanted a brother or sister.”
    Victoria’s mouth opened and shut a few times before she stammered out an answer. “Well, sweetheart, we thought we’d wait until you were better.”
    Evie’s little chin jutted out and she balled up her fists, planting them on her hips, before glowering first at her mother, then Xonos, then looking at her mom again. “No. I want a baby now .”
    Victoria seemed to be at a loss so Xonos crouched down next to Evie. “You know, we can’t just order one for you, Evie. Having a baby takes time, and it would take a lot of energy out of your mom. She wants to wait because she wants to be able to give you all of her attention until you’re better.”
    “The medicine you gave me is supposed to keep me from getting sick, so you don’t have a reason not to have a baby,” Evie stated, still looking mutinous.
    Xonos had to fight back a smile because he was ready to agree with Evie wholeheartedly. He wanted a baby with Victoria, and the sooner the better in his mind, but he’d honor her wishes to wait. However, if Evie wanted to get on his side and speed things along, he wasn’t going to stand in her way. He’d like to say that he wanted to wait until he was sure Victoria wanted him, but after her comments during his shower the other day, he’d paid closer attention and caught her eyeing him appreciatively several times over the past few days. He didn’t think it was a question of her wanting him, just that she wasn’t going to allow herself to have the kind of fun that resulted in a baby until their daughter was well.
    “You’re right, Evie. The medicine is supposed to make you feel better, but your mother is still going to worry about you until you’re cured.”
    Evie crossed her arms over her chest and poked her lower lip out. “I want a baby brother or sister. I don’t care which one I get as long as I get a baby to play with.”
    Victoria knelt at Evie’s side. “You really want us to have a baby?”
    “Yes, I

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