Secret Histories 10: Dr. DOA

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Book: Secret Histories 10: Dr. DOA by Simon R. Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simon R. Green
Tags: Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Speculative Fiction
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and the psychic remained crazy. There’s not much of him left now—just this shell. Finally, the people who became Cassandra bought me at auction.
    “They wanted to know the future. And they got answers out of me by threatening to freeze my host in cryogenics so I would never be free. They also promised to release me, once I’d answered a specific number of questions. That number is almost up, but I don’t believe they will keep their word. I can’t See for sure; I am not allowed to See my own future. But I believe Cassandra Inc’s Management are too scared of what I might do to them, once I was no longer constrained. For daring to compel an angel . . . And they’re quite right, of course. They’re currently searching for a way to destroy my host that would also send me straight back to Heaven.” He laughed softly—a ghastly, merciless sound. “Like that would protect them from the wrath of God.”
    “Why has Heaven allowed you to remain caged for so long?” I said.
    “What are a few moments in Time, compared to Eternity?”
    “If you suspected Cassandra Inc’s Management were lying to you, why tell them what they wanted to know?” said Molly.
    “Because of the possibility of freedom,” said the angel. “From being caught in the matter trap. I had a feeling my actions would result in someone coming here . . . who could free me.”
    “Yes,” I said. “I can do that.”
    Molly grabbed me by the arm and moved me urgently back to the door so we could speak quietly together. I wasn’t sure what differencethat would make where an angel was concerned, but I went along. Molly glared at me.
    “Really?” she said. “Let it out? Just like that? I’m not so sure that’s a good idea, Eddie. Angels are beyond our understanding; they move in mysterious and often very scary ways. Particularly when someone’s really pissed them off. I do not want to end up as a pillar of salt!”
    “Doesn’t matter,” I said. “It’s the right thing to do. Look at it, Molly. See what they’ve done. It’s not right to keep Heaven in a cage.”
    I walked back to the silver bars, with Molly straggling reluctantly along behind me. The angel looked back at me with its human face. Not begging or pleading, not ordering or demanding. Just waiting to see what I would do.
    “Time to go,” I said. “Time for you to go home.”
    “What do you want in return?” said the angel.
    “No conditions,” I said. “No bargains. That would be wrong.”
    “There are things I could tell you, Eddie Drood. Things I could do for you.”
    “It wouldn’t be right,” I said, “to compel an angel.”
    “Don’t look at me,” said Molly. “He gets like this sometimes.”
    “What a refreshing change,” said the angel.
    “I would . . . ask,” I said. “Leave the people on this ship to human justice. Please.”
    “Since you asked so nicely,” said the angel. “But still, nothing for yourself? Then allow me to express my gratitude. I see death hanging over you, Eddie Drood. Nothing can stop it. Plan accordingly. And beware the Merlin Glass. When you look into that mirror, you’re not the only one who looks back.”
    I waited, but that was all he had to say.
    “I don’t get anything?” said Molly.
    “Don’t push your luck, supernatural terrorist,” said the angel.
    “Fair enough,” said Molly.
    I took the silver bars in my golden hands and forced them apart.Strange magics and unnatural energies flared around me, so bright and fierce, Molly had to turn her head away, but none of them could touch me in my armour. The silver bars broke and shattered, and I threw the pieces aside until one whole side of the cage was gone. I stepped quickly back from the opening I’d made, and the man with an angel inside came out. He looked at the pentacle painted on the floor, sniffed dismissively, and stepped easily across the lines.
    “Amateur night,” he said.
    “Okay . . . ,” said Molly. “That’s freed the host, but how

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