Undisclosed Desire: An Alpha Billionaire Romance: + bonus novel

Read Online Undisclosed Desire: An Alpha Billionaire Romance: + bonus novel by Linnea May - Free Book Online

Book: Undisclosed Desire: An Alpha Billionaire Romance: + bonus novel by Linnea May Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linnea May
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noise for three people, slamming doors and constantly causing things to fall off the shelves. She is clumsy, too. Once, she tripped over something that she had placed on the floor in the hall so badly that she literally fell through my unlocked door, landing on her behind on my room's floor while cursing the hell out of whatever had been put in her way.
    The good thing about her noisiness is the fact that I always know where she is. It is easy to trace her steps through the apartment just by listening. She first heads for her room, probably to change clothes, which is always the first thing she does when she comes home. She has a certain pair of bright yellow sweatpants that she always wears at home – and only at home. I have never seen her lounging around in anything else, usually accompanied by a headband in a similar color to keep the thick and wild hair out of her face.
    I stretch out in bed for a few more moments until I hear her rummaging around in the kitchen. If she is making tea, I want to be part of that.
    And I really need to get this whole Evan thing off my chest.
    "Hello sleepy head," Yuka greets me when I stroll into the kitchen. Sure enough, she is wearing her yellow sweatpants and the matching headband. And she is making tea.
    "Here to sponge some tea?" she asks as she is pouring the hot water into a pot with tea leaves in it.
    "Absolutely," I reply. "Please."
    I sit down at the table and glance at the magazine that is still lying there, next to our sugar pot and some fruits that Yuka brought home with her.
    She places the pot next to it and fetches two mugs for us, while I ponder how to tell her about Evan. For now, unrelated chit chat seems to be the easier option, though.
    "How was brunch?" I ask as she places herself in the chair opposite to me.
    She shrugs. "Meh. Nothing special. The place we went to sucks. Way too expensive for the crappy food and coffee they serve."
    She casts me a naughty smile. "I'd much rather hear about your date last night. You promised!"
    "I did...," I say, suddenly feeling under a lot of pressure.
    Yuka raises her eyebrows and stares at me expectantly.
    I cannot come up with a clever way to phrase it, so I decide to not beat around the bush and just give her the facts straightforward.
    I grab the magazine in front of me and start browsing through it.
    "Um, hello?" she complains. "I don't think you’ll find your hot little adventure in there."
    "Not exactly," I say. "But him."
    I open the page with the article about Evan and turn the magazine around to present it to her. "That's him."
    Yuka's eyes widen and her jaw literally drops as she stares down at the article. She looks back up at me, frowning with disbelief.
    "Shut up!" she exclaims. "You spent the night with Evan Beckhart? No way!"
    "You know him?" I ask. I am surprised at the way she says his name, as if he really was some kind of famous person. On the other hand, this is her magazine and she probably read most of the articles with a lot more attention than I have.
    "D'uh, yeah! Of course I know who he is," she says. "Have you read the article? There have been many like these about him like two years ago, when he was dating Sheila Buffay. That's where I know him from, at least. I assume, if you were following all those Silicon Valley entrepreneur activities more closely, you'd probably have been more familiar with him a long time ago."
    She pauses and looks down at the picture again.
    "But of course, that's boring. Lame business people," she adds. "But I'd probably be more into it if they all looked like him. He's hot!"
    "Yeah...," I whisper. "Obviously, I agree."
    "Are you sure?" Yuka asks. "Are really sure that's him?"
    I nod. "Yes, I am. He introduced himself – and that's definitely him in the picture. His hair was different last night and he was not wearing a suit, but it was definitely the same guy."
    Yuka grins at me and starts laughing. "He introduced himself and you still had no idea who you were talking to?

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