Undisclosed Desire: An Alpha Billionaire Romance: + bonus novel

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Book: Undisclosed Desire: An Alpha Billionaire Romance: + bonus novel by Linnea May Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linnea May
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what's so strange about that. Some people stay single by choice, you know."
    I am winking at her. Yuka has never had a real relationship that lasted longer than a few weeks, because she grows tired of every man she has ever dated within a short period of time. She always claims that the thought of a real and long lasting relationship only makes her think of confinement and pressure, but I am pretty sure that her standards are just unattainably high.
    "Whatever," she says, rolling her eyes. "That guy is still – weird. Something is up with him, I am sure."
    "I don't see why you would say that," I argue. "Relationships end, sometimes very suddenly. And who knows what was going on between them? The tabloids don't have as much inside as they claim to have."
    "So cute," Yuka says. "You're already defending him!"
    I frown at her. "No, I'm not, it's just that –"
    "Ah, don't be so defensive," she interrupts. "Just be careful with that guy. Everything I have ever read about him described him as withdrawn and somewhat mysterious. And then you tell me you weren't allowed to ask questions about himself? That doesn't strike you as odd?"
    "Well, maybe he just enjoyed the fact that I had no idea who he was?" I suggest. "I mean, I'm pretty sure he hates being in the spotlight like this. Maybe it was just a nice change for him to not be recognized..."
    "And the fact that you look just like her?" Yuka presses. "That's not suspicious to you?"
    I sigh. She got me there.
    "Yes," I admit. "Of course I have noticed that."
    "Maybe that's what he has been doing all this time since the break up," Yuka presumes. "Picking up girls who look like Sheila, because he can't get over her."
    I shrug. "Maybe."
    "Will you see him again?" Yuka asks.
    I look at her, unsure what to reply. "I don't know... maybe?"
    She raises only one of her eyebrows this time. "Are you asking me for permission now?"
    In a way, I am. I know that I still want to see him again. The chemistry between us was too good to ignore, no matter who he is or what his motives were when he first started talking to me. The sex was amazing – I want more of that. And I felt weirdly comfortable with him. His presence was so familiar, so pleasant. He did not feel like a stranger at all. I have dated other guys for weeks and months without ever feeling this connection with them. And with him it happened within just a few hours. It would be stupid not to follow up on that.
    "Well, he left it up to me," I reply. "He gave me his phone number, but he doesn't have mine."
    "Good," Yuka says. "I mean, that makes it easy for you, doesn't it? He has already signaled his interest to see you again. If the number he gave you is correct, that is."
    "Right," I whisper. For some reason, that thought never occurred to me. He could have just given me a fake number! How stupid of me to naturally assume that this really was his private phone number. After all, he didn’t give me his business card but just a handwritten note.
    "Find out," Yuka suggests. "Call him."
    I look at her, my eyes widening in shock. I have never been a good phone person, let alone someone who takes charge when it comes to dates.
    "I was actually thinking of ... you know, texting him," I stutter.
    Yuka rolls her eyes. "Oh, come on! You have to call him to make sure that it really is him! Hide your number and make it an anonymous call, if you're such a chicken. That way you can just hang up after hearing his voice."
    "That's so immature," I object.
    "I agree," Yuka says. "The mature way would be to actually talk to him and ask him out for coffee. But I don't see you going for that option – Miss Oh-so-cool ."
    "You should really stop with these silly names," I say.
    Yuka chuckles and winks at me. "But they suit you so well!"
    I take another sip of my tea while Yuka looks at me with anticipation. Apparently, she enjoys watching my brain work in silence almost as much as he does.
    "So," she eventually presses. "What's it going to be? The mature

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