Captive Embraces

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Book: Captive Embraces by Fern Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fern Michaels
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her. He had been her friend, her little brother, and no son of her own flesh could ever take his place in her heart. Yet she had actually hated the fact that it was Caleb who lived and Mikel who had died.
    Caleb! As if seeing the light for the first time, Sirena cried aloud, “Caleb! Regan would have made contact with him! Frau Holtz! Jacobus! Jan!” she called excitedly, flinging open the narrow door of her cabin. “Make ready to sail! To Holland!”

Chapter Four
    â€œMynheer van der Rhys,” the housemaster said imperiously, “I believe you were informed a lady awaits you in the visitor’s room. You will not ignore me as you did our young dormitory messenger,” the elderly scholar warned sternly. “A gentleman never keeps a lady waiting. Be on your way, now, before she thinks you have a sorry lack of manners.”
    Caleb frowned. “I have no wish to see anybody.” Since Regan’s visit weeks ago, Caleb had kept himself apart from the young society which he had learned to enjoy. He supposed his female visitor was still another of his friends’ sisters come to flirt with him and break the heavy black mood that engulfed him.
    â€œDid I hear you correctly, young man? Ah, I see I did. Of course, I can’t force you to see her, but it is especially awkward since the woman says she has traveled all the way from Java to see you.”
    Caleb’s head jerked upright, his dark eyes alight in wonder. “Did you say Java, sir?” Not waiting for an answer, he took off at a dead run for the parlor.
    â€œSirena!” he shouted boisterously. “Is it really you?” He wrapped her in his strong arms and swept her off the floor. “I was leaving as soon as the term was over to come back to Java. The days drag on and on and at times I thought I’d never see you again. You look beautiful. How did you get here? Never mind, I know. The Rana!” Abruptly, his exuberance faded and he put her a little distance from him. “You heard,” he said softly, “that’s why you’ve come. You’ve had word from Father.”
    â€œRegan! You know where he is?”
    Caleb nodded. Sirena’s joy was so full, so ebullient she threw her slender arms about his neck and hugged him fiercely. “Oh, Caleb, I’m so happy to see you. And Regan, where is he? God, I can’t wait to see him again. To tell him it was all my fault, the doings of a foolish woman who loves him. Is he well, where is he?” she asked anxiously.
    â€œFather is in England.” What was he going to do? How was he going to tell her? He hadn’t seen her this happy in ages. He couldn’t allow her to go to Britain and find Regan without knowing. He must tell her.
    Sirena clung to Caleb, her beautiful face alight and happy. “I’m so happy to see you. Now we can be a family again. I’m sorry it took me so long to get over ... never mind. That’s all behind us now. Just think, Caleb, if I take the Rana I can see Regan in a matter of days. Won’t he be surprised? I can barely wait to see the expression on his face. I know that he’s lost patience with me, but I told him I would be able to leave Java as soon as I had settled things in my own mind. Do you know, Caleb, I was ready to depart with him but his ship had already sailed? I was a fool, but I’ll make it up to him. I swear I will. And to you, Caleb,” Sirena babbled, not noticing the anguish in Caleb’s eyes.
    â€œTell me, little brother, have you missed me?” Again, she didn’t wait for a reply. “You’re so grown. You’re an adult!” she said, her voice colored with amazement. “I always knew you’d make a fine man, I just didn’t realize it would be so soon. Frau Holtz is with me, what do you think of that? It was no small feat, I can assure you,” she laughed. For the first time, she noticed Caleb’s silence. “I’m

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