Captive Embraces

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Book: Captive Embraces by Fern Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fern Michaels
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sorry. Just listen to me. I haven’t given you a chance to say a word. Sit down and we’ll talk. It’s just that I’m so excited,” she said, hugging him again. “Tell me about school and how you’re doing. Tell me everything, don’t leave a thing out.”
    â€œYou didn’t receive my letter, did you, Sirena?” Caleb said, licking his dry lips, his dark eyes tormented as he looked at Sirena.
    â€œLetter? No, I must have left Java before it arrived. No matter. I’m here and you can tell me in person.”
    Caleb began hesitantly. “I hate school. I hate these shoes and I hate Holland,” he said calmly, gathering steam as he spoke the words. “I hate the interminable rain, I hate books! I hate Latin! I hate everything! I Hate My Father!”
    Sirena’s eyes betrayed her shock. “Caleb! I’ve never seen you this way! What’s come over you? Regan only wants you to have the benefit of an education. He isn’t punishing you by sending you to school. He sent you here for your own welfare. I don’t want to hear you speak of Regan that way. Now tell me what’s troubling you. Perhaps we can work out a solution.”
    â€œThere is no solution,” Caleb said miserably.
    Sirena’s heart went out to him. For all his size and budding manhood, Caleb was still more of a boy than a man. “Come, little brother, it can’t be as serious as all that Two heads are better than one. Tell me what it is and we’ll find a solution.”
    â€œYou’re too late, Sirena. You came too late,” he said in a thin voice that threatened to break.
    â€œIt’s never too late. I know we’ve lost touch with one another since you’ve been at school, but we’re still every bit the friends we were before.”
    â€œYou don’t understand,” Caleb blurted. “Regan divorced you! That’s why I hate him!”
    Sirena’s face drained of all color and the room seemed to whirl about her. Caleb thought she would faint and he cursed himself for his bluntness as he reached out to support her. He fanned her face with his handkerchief. “Sirena, are you all right? Forgive me. I hadn’t meant to tell you this way. It was all in my letter. Every blasted word of it.” Damn his father, damn his soul to Hell!
    â€œSirena, I couldn’t let you go to Regan not knowing.” Sirena’s dark lashes fluttered open, her emerald eyes sick and begging for an explanation. Caleb helped her to her feet and again apologized for being inconsiderate.
    Sirena rubbed her temples and gazed at him, her eyes blank. “I must be certain I understand what you’ve told me. Regan divorced me?”
    Caleb nodded, his eyes guarded.
    â€œNo! It isn’t so! I know Regan went to Spain to take over the Córdez holdings ...” Sirena’s voice was heavy, her eyes pleaded with Caleb to deny what he had told her. Yet, somewhere within her, all hope died. She knew Caleb would never be so callous to say such a thing were it not true. Her eyes widened, the delicate lines of her jaw tightened as did her small clenched fists. “Regan divorced!”
    Caleb again nodded miserably.
    â€œFather thought you would never leave Java. That your lives together as man and wife were over,” Caleb whispered.
    â€œI told him I just needed more time, just a little more time and to please be patient with me. Caleb, did he tell you this himself?” Sirena asked. One small hope which had blossomed died when she saw Caleb avoid her in misery.
    â€œYes. He came here to the academy and told me himself. I had already given him my word that I’d stay here until the term was over, otherwise, I would have come to you in Java. I heard it from his own lips that he divorced you.”
    â€œBut how? I don’t understand,” Sirena breathed as she sank down into the same hard-backed chair that Regan had

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