Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations

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Book: Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations by Sid Roth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sid Roth
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the Father except by Me.”
    His voice was like rushing waters, powerful and soothing at the same time. The minute He said, “I am the truth,” I knew immediately it was Jesus. He didn’t say, “I am Jesus,” but every fiber of my being knew who He was. I had never read the Bible before, but somehow I knew what Jesus was saying to me was in the Bible. I was so consumed by His presence that I dropped to my knees and looked up at Him. He is so glorious, so beautiful. All light inside of Light. I said, “Lord! You
Lord!” He said, “Yes, I am Jesus, the One you denied. The One you said is not the Son of God. I came to save you, to make you a happy person. You don’t have to do anything, just know that I love you.” I said, “That’s it?” He said, “Yes, believe in Me.” It was like I went to school and studied everything in one day. All of a sudden Jesus made sense to me.
    He started walking closer to me. It took only a split second and Jesus was right there before me. He got so close that there was too much light to even see the color of His eyes. It was not like looking at any human being. Somehow with His being and His voice came light. A huge light. An overwhelming light. As He was with me for a while, I became part of Heaven. The room was so changed it wasn’t the room any more. I thought,
I am not on earth anymore.
He was talking to me, but at the same time I was seeing Heaven right before my eyes.
    Then He said to me, “You are My daughter.” The instant the words came out of His mouth, they were like living water. I saw everything in one split second, and I understood as I saw it all happen. He didn’t preach to me; He was just talking to me like another person, but with a beautiful and strong voice. It was loving, and sweet like honey. As He got closer, as He was talking to me, it was revealed to me that He is truly the Son of God and that He had died on the cross. I also knew that He is the Lion and the King. It all was revealed to me at once. I also knew that He is a Father and I was His daughter and His chosen one. All the pain in my life He already knew about, and He was already pleased with me. I knew that all is forgiven by the blood of Jesus. All this I knew just being in His presence.

    It all was revealed to me at once.

    Jesus stood on my right side. I saw three men who were surrounded by light. The one who appeared to be the oldest had a long beard and was wearing a royal robe. Jesus told me that they were Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus introduced them to me without words. He said, “Go to the bosom of your father Abraham.” Jesus looked at me and assured me, “Do not be in fear. Go to the bosom of Father Abraham.” I then went. I walked to Abraham, and he welcomed me and said, “Come to me, my daughter.” He was sitting, and I sat on his lap and rested my head on his shoulder. Jesus told me to repent from the curse words that we used to curse the Jewish people. I spoke in Arabic and asked for forgiveness. Abraham said my repentance was received by the Lord. I said, “I want to see this in my lifetime.” As I said that, I saw it written, “On earth as it is in heaven.” 1 I was requesting it for the earth, and Jesus affirmed that my request would take place on the earth. I then went back to Jesus.
    I began to recognize more things in Heaven. There was no language barrier. I understood angels were saying, “Holy, holy, holy.” I saw a huge crown and people threw it at the feet of Jesus. I saw children under the age of six, and they were all worshiping Jesus. Jesus was speaking to me, explaining things to my mind about what I was seeing. These were the babies who died when their mothers got rid of them through abortion. Some died naturally through sickness or were murdered. All of them were at Jesus’ feet and so peaceful and so healthy and happy—not one sad face.
    There were multitudes of people. I could hear the sounds of Heaven in every language and

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