Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations

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Book: Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations by Sid Roth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sid Roth
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where she was, and He sovereignly led her to the Christian woman who took her and her children in and gave them a home when they were homeless. Many times when we come to the Lord we can look back and see that He was there all along in our lives in one way or another, caring for us, protecting us. That certainly was true for Khalida. As she worked for the Christian woman, she remained true to her Islamic faith. Though she maintained her beliefs, it was the love of God that she saw in her Christian friend and employer that Islam did not provide for her. Neither did it provide a relationship with God, one in which He would talk to her as her friend claimed He spoke to her. Allah seemed unresponsive no matter how many Islamic prayers she prayed or how often she fasted.
    Finally, out of frustration in wanting to know God, she suddenly called out to Jesus and just as suddenly He was there before her, as if He had been waiting for her to call to Him. He is that close to all of us, waiting to respond to us when we call upon Him with all our hearts, wanting to know Him, or know Him more deeply. He may not come personally to everyone, but that is a prayer He always answers.
    What Khalida experienced in Heaven was not something she would ever have imagined as a faithful Muslim, but then, she would not have expected to meet Father Abraham either, or as she would call him in Arabic, Ibrahim. She did as the Lord bid her to do, and asked him for forgiveness for curses she had spoken against the Jewish people. Coming to know Jesus, in Heaven or on the earth, if we are to be His, we must give up our prejudices and exchange what we thought was wrong with others for accepting that we have had wrong attitudes of bitterness, hatred, or pride against others—and ask for forgiveness. As Jesus loves and died for all people so that we all can be forgiven, so must we love and forgive as He does if we are to be His followers. No exceptions allowed!
    Never as a Muslim did she ever know the joy of worship and certainly never worship of Jesus whom she had been taught was a prophet of Allah, second to Mohammed. One moment with Jesus and there is complete revelation of who He is. She was calling Him “My God, my Savior, and my King.” He is that for all of us who call upon His name.
    About Khalida Wukawitz
    Khalida’s story is probably one of the most unique you’ll ever hear. Born in Bethlehem of a Palestinian mother who died days after she was born, she was put in an orphanage that was bombed when she was a little girl. It was never known if the bomb came from the Israelis or the Palestinians. All in the orphanage were killed—except Khalida who was found wandering the streets. She was sold to a Bedouin family where she became their slave. She was given her own camel and was taught the ways of Islam as she walked barefooted and in the same clothes for years as part of a caravan that traveled from one Arab country to the next in search of food. But God’s hand was upon her through one difficult situation after another. God sovereignly took her from the sands of an Arab desert to the United States. When she met the Christian woman, she had barely escaped with her children from the husband who had brought her to America but kept her in seclusion. What may look like a very circuitous journey is often a straight path into the arms of Jesus. God was all this time leading her to Himself.
    When Khalida met her Christian friend, she spoke very little English. Today she has a college degree and speaks English very well. Khalida’s experience of asking Father Abraham to forgive her for cursing the Jewish people had a profound impact on her life. She carries in her heart a desire to see reconciliation between Arabs and Jews and to see Israel honored in the way God has ordained in the Bible. Khalida considers that part of the work God has given her.
    The full story of Khalida’s life (this is only the barest details) and salvation can be found in
10 Amazing

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