Victoria and the Alien Doctor (Intergalactic Brides 2)

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Book: Victoria and the Alien Doctor (Intergalactic Brides 2) by Jessica Coulter Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith
Tags: BIN 07407-02389
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about her lack of experience, and he found it refreshing since the only females he’d been with were whores. He’d come clean about his past and assured her he’d only gone when it had become absolutely necessary, maybe twice a year, if that much. He wasn’t the most experienced male, but in studying the human anatomy, he’d stumbled across sex videos and had watched one after another, confused by the sexual experiences women seemed to crave on this primitive planet.
    Would Victoria expect him to spank her? Or tie her up? None of that appealed to him, but if that’s what she desired, he would strive to give it to her. They hadn’t really discussed what they expected of one another in the bedroom, and he supposed they should have that talk soon, especially if they were going to fulfill Evie’s request for a baby.
    “You have nothing to be embarrassed about,” he assured her. “I want you just as much as you want me. And we’re mates. We’re supposed to desire one another. What would be awkward would be no sexual attraction between us.”
    “I suppose you’re right. I’m just not used to someone knowing I’m turned on unless I tell them or give them some indication.”
    “I’ll make sure all of my work tools are put away before we spend time together from now on. I don’t want to embarrass you. That was never my intention.”
    She smiled and settled against him once more, and Xonos felt the tension ease from his shoulders. He wasn’t sure how she would react at first, and he was thankful that she’d chosen to overlook her embarrassment and cuddle with him some more, even if it was agony. The scent of her teased his nose; the plush suppleness of her body made him achingly hard. Thank the gods for leather pants! They mostly concealed his aroused state, and if she noticed, she didn’t comment on it.
    Xonos hoped like hell she’d be ready to take their relationship to the next level soon. He wasn’t sure how many more nights he could sleep by her side, hold her in his arms, and not strip them both bare and have his wicked way with her. He nearly chuckled at the thought. Wicked way. Earth sayings were so much fun!

Chapter Seven
    Victoria woke in the middle of the night, still in the grips of her nightmare. It took her a moment to orient herself and realize that the arm holding her down wasn’t from an attacker but was her mate holding onto her. Sweat slicked her skin and her hair was plastered to her neck as she blew out a breath and tried to calm her racing heart. She knew that Xonos didn’t intend to release her from their bond, but she’d dreamt that he’d given her away, and some non-Terran alien had claimed her and tried to force himself on her.
    She shivered in revulsion just thinking about it. There was no reason for her to have had such a dream. Xonos had been attentive and caring. She hadn’t missed the bulge in his pants earlier so she knew he desired her, but he hadn’t acted on it yet. Did his chivalry run so deep that once he’d given his word, to give her whatever time she needed, he was just going to ignore his body’s urges?
    It wasn’t fair of her to want him to make the first move, not after she’d asked him to wait until Evie was cured, but she had to admit she’d love being chased romantically. Xonos showed her he cared with everything he did for Evie and her, but she wanted more. The desire she saw in his eyes when she caught him unaware… she wanted him to unleash it, to throw her onto the bed and ravage her.
    All right. Maybe she’d been reading too many romance novels in her spare time. Men didn’t really do things like that, did they? She somehow doubted an alien would, unless he was a barbarian, and her alien doctor was definitely not that. He was refined, intelligent, and so far out of her league she kept waiting for him to realize he’d made a mistake when he’d claimed her.
    Victoria lifted his arm and slid out of bed, padding quietly out of the bedroom. She

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