Victoria and the Alien Doctor (Intergalactic Brides 2)

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Book: Victoria and the Alien Doctor (Intergalactic Brides 2) by Jessica Coulter Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith
Tags: BIN 07407-02389
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really do.”
    Victoria gave Xonos a helpless look and he winked at her before returning his attention to their daughter.
    “I promise I will do my best to give you a brother or sister, Evie, but Mommy has to agree to it too.”
    Evie glared at Victoria, who visibly swallowed before looking at Xonos. He saw the uncertainty and helplessness there, but he wasn’t going to throw her a lifeline. She was going to sink or swim on her own. Gods, but he loved Earth sayings!
    “What’s it to be, Victoria?” he asked.
    “Can we talk about it more at home? Maybe after Evie’s gone to bed?”
    Xonos nodded and stood, noticing at once that Brielle and Syl had vanished during their discussion. He appreciated the time with his family but felt they had overstayed their welcome. Ushering Victoria and Evie out of the lab, he made their goodbyes to Syl and Brielle before climbing back into the limo and driving back to the hotel.
    “Do we have to go home right now?” Evie asked.
    She seldom asked for anything so Xonos was intrigued as to what she could want. “Did you have something else in mind?”
    “Did you see the game room we passed in that big house?”
    “Syl’s room? With the video games and large screen TV?” Xonos asked.
    Evie nodded. “I’ve always wanted to play a video game.”
    It reminded Xonos of everything she’d missed out on in her short lifetime and made him even more determined to give her everything she wanted. Victoria had already fussed at him about spoiling Evie, but as far as he was concerned, that was his job. To spoil both of his girls as much as he could. The money wasn’t doing him any good just sitting in an account, and according to Victoria, he had more than enough of the stuff to go around, so why not make Evie happy by getting something she’d always wanted?
    Xonos informed Ned to take them to the nearest store that sold video games, earning him a glare from Victoria, but he figured she could fuss at him later. When they pulled up, he had to grab Evie to stop her from launching herself out of the limo. He knew she was excited, but he worried she’d break something in her haste to get out of the vehicle.
    They entered the store and Evie’s eyes went wide in wonder. She slowly walked around, checking everything out and pointing out games she thought looked fun. Xonos had her try the display consoles to see which would be easiest for her to use. After she’d made a selection, he let her pick a handful of games to get her started, then paid for everything and ushered his family back out to the waiting limo.
    Evie begged and pleaded to go home so she could play her new games, and Xonos didn’t have the heart to deny her. At the hotel, he hooked everything up in her bedroom and handed the controller to Evie. Victoria seemed reluctant to leave her, but he drew her away and into the living room where he put on a movie for them to watch. Sitting on the sofa, he pulled her down beside him and wrapped an arm around her. It was the closest they’d gotten to cuddling since she’d moved in.
    Victoria stiffened for a moment before relaxing against him. Xonos drew lazy circles on her arm and hid a smile when she shivered in response. He’d brought home several devices from work to make sure he could keep an eye on Evie without taking her into the clinic and one went off on the table beside him. With a frown, he lifted it and read the display, his frown quickly turning into a smile. A smile he had better control before Victoria saw it.
    “Why is it going off?” she asked.
    Lie or tell the truth?
    “It was telling me the pheromones in the room just increased.” He didn’t want to tell her that her scent had changed with her arousal. He could smell things a little better than most humans, but she didn’t need to know that.
    A blush suffused her cheeks and she tried to draw away from him, but he held tight, refusing to let her go. It was cute that her arousal embarrassed her. She’d already told him

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