The Snares of Death

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Book: The Snares of Death by Kate Charles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Charles
decided that some things need to be altered. Nothing major, mind you, just a few little things, a few matters of style . . .’
    â€˜Don’t tell me he’s turned out to be a raving Evangelical!’ David said facetiously.
    â€˜Hardly likely,’ was her dry reply. ‘Not at St Anne’s. But I am beginning to wonder about his churchmanship.’ She paused thoughtfully, regarding the whisky in her glass. ‘It’s beginning to appear that we might have a Modern Roman trendie on our hands.’
    David whistled. ‘Oh, boy. Lambswool ponchos, folk Masses and spider plants on the altar.’
    â€˜Exactly. Of course I may be wrong – and I shall certainly give him the benefit of the doubt. But it doesn’t sound good.’ She sighed.
    â€˜Daphne, my dear, I think you need another drink.’ He proceeded to pour her one.
    â€˜But the news isn’t all bad,’ Daphne said, with a quirk of her eyebrows and an ill-concealed smile. ‘Have you seen the new issue of Church Building magazine?’
    â€˜Mine just came today.’ She found it under a stack of papers on the table, and riffled through it quickly till she found what she was seeking. ‘Look at this!’
    David took it from her, and in a moment the grin on his face matched that on Daphne’s. ‘Well, I’ll be! Did you know they were doing this?’ he demanded.
    â€˜Of course. But I thought it would be nice to surprise you.’
    The lead article, profusely illustrated with colour photographs, was titled ‘Comper’s Glories Restored in Kensington Church’, and featured the work that David had supervised in the restoration of the crypt chapel at St Anne’s the previous summer.
    â€˜Read it,’ Daphne urged.
    He skimmed through the technical details, already well known to him, until he reached the part that said, ‘One of the interesting aspects of the restoration was the involvement in the project of David Middleton-Brown, a Norwich solicitor with no formal qualifications in church architecture. He oversaw the project from start to finish, displaying remarkable sensitivity and knowledge of the craft. In this case, the Law’s gain is church architecture’s loss; perhaps Mr Middleton-Brown would like to consider embarking on a second career.’
    â€˜Daphne! You told them all of this,’ he accused.
    â€˜Yes,’ she chuckled. ‘But it’s all true. You really should think about doing more of that kind of thing.’
    â€˜Flattery will get you . . .’ David began, then, with rising apprehension, saw the speculative way that she was looking at him. ‘Hey, what is this all in aid of ? What are you up to now, Daphne?’
    She shook her head. ‘You know me too well. How about another drink?’
    â€˜Out with it,’ he ordered sternly, but he extended his glass nonetheless.
    â€˜Oh, it’s just that . . . well, there’s another little project that I think you might be able to help with.’
    David sighed and settled back in the chair. ‘Tell me.’
    â€˜The church is St John’s, North Kensington. I know the Sacristan there.’
    â€˜Ah.’ He was unable to hide a spark of interest. ‘That’s an E. B. Lamb church, isn’t it? One of the really quirky ones?’
    Daphne nodded, grinning. ‘I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist.’
    â€˜What do they want? The last time I saw that church it was in fairly dire condition. It requires a great deal more than the sort of restoration that I’ve had any experience with, I should think.’
    â€˜Exactly. The roof is practically falling in, I’m afraid. They desperately need some expert help.’
    â€˜They want an architect, then, not me,’ said David, with a rueful shake of his head.
    â€˜Well, no.’ Daphne refilled her glass again. ‘At least, eventually they’ll need an architect,

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