Innuendos (It Had 2 B U Book 1)

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Book: Innuendos (It Had 2 B U Book 1) by V. Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: V. Kelly
dress. Dashawn has his arms around two blondes. At first I thought they were twins, but upon closer inspection, I realize they are just best friends who happened to be dressed in the same cute, floral dress with their hair identically styled. Six other women flank them. Each woman has the same look on their face—an eagerness to go home with one of my friends.
    When I come up to the bar, both Dashawn and Tony are grinning proudly. “So much for guy’s night, boys.” I flag down the bartender and order a beer. I feel someone come up behind me and a hand fit in my pocket. I’m surprised to see a girl with bright orange hair, wearing jeans and a rock shirt, standing by my side. She’s not my usual type, but I wasn’t really looking to score tonight, anyway. She looks up at me and smiles. Her face is dotted with piercings, and I notice her left arm is sheathed in tattoos.
    “Max, it’s about time you got here,” Tony says, taking another shot. “Let me introduce you to the ladies. This sexy brunette is Carrie. Those two sexy blondes nibbling on Chocolate’s neck are Brooke and Cory,” he tells me. He points to the six other women and starts naming them off. None of them are as attractive as the women both of my friends are hogging. “Piper, Trixie, Gina, Denise, Quinn, and that beauty in orange is . . .” his voice trails off as my pin-cushion companion speaks.
    “My name is Yasmine, but people call me Yazzy.”
    That sounds way too close to Breezy. I didn’t want to think about her tonight. The moment I hear Yazzy’s name, I’m instantly picturing Breezy in that crumpled, purple dress after the night of passion she had with Numbers Man. I try to remove myself from the vice-like hold Yazzy has on my jeans, but she won’t shake off; I finally give up. At least if she’s hanging on me, I don’t have to worry about other girls trying to hit on me. Tonight, I want to drink and nothing else.
    An hour later I’m toasted. Most of the girls have left. Yazzy, the two blondes whose names I’ve already forgotten, and the sexy brunette that Tony has his eye on, are the only girls that remain.
    “Max, do you have any tattoos?” Yazzy asks. I’m not sure when her twin joined the party, but I’m having trouble focusing on one girl, let alone two.
    “Nope. Not yet. I’m saving my skin for my children’s names.”
    “Oh, you want kids?”
    “Eventually, but only with the right woman.” I forgot how much my mouth runs when I’m drunk. Tony and Dashawn obviously notice because they’re both laughing. I hate not having a drinking filter .
    “When he says right woman, he means his girlfriend,” Tony states.
    “Are they dating now?” Dashawn asks.
    “Nope, she’s still dragging him around by his dick, like the little cock tease that she is.”
    “Shut up, Tony. Don’t talk about Breezy that way!” I shout at him. I grab another beer and down it.
    “So you have a girlfriend?” Yazzy asks disappointed.
    “Nope, she’s my fucking roommate.”
    “And best friend, and the love of his life that won’t give him the time of day. That girl has no idea how in love with her this guy is. He worships her like a fucking Grecian Goddess, and rightly so. That woman is sex in high heels. God, I’d give my left nut to fuck her just once,” Tony exclaims adjusting his pants.
    “Stop talking about fucking Breezy, Tony, or I’m going to pummel your face.”
    He laughs. “Max, you know as well as I do that Breezy would never touch me. Besides, she’s getting serious with that accountant asshole. It won’t be long before she’s moving out of your house and into his apartment.”
    “Don’t say shit like that,” I whine.
    “He’s got a point, dude. If she’s in Aspen right now, it doesn’t look good. I’d be surprised if they aren’t already saying the “L” word.”
    I cover my ears and glare at both of them as they laugh their asses off. “I need another drink. Make that three.” The bartender hears my

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