Hair, Greg - Werewolf 03

Read Online Hair, Greg - Werewolf 03 by Requiem (v5.0) - Free Book Online

Book: Hair, Greg - Werewolf 03 by Requiem (v5.0) Read Free Book Online
Authors: Requiem (v5.0)
don’t understand.”
    “You’re about to. I think that, since you lack the vision, I need to help your other senses become magnified in order to aid your understanding of why you should follow me.”
    Suddenly, Jamie spun around, his eyes blazing and hand half transformed. With a single swipe, he wiped the man’s eyes from his face, his two organs rolling across the floor as a shudder passed through the room, and the now blind werewolf fell to his knees, screaming, in front of Jamie.
    “There. That’s better. Now you have learned to kneel before your king.
    “Do not let my age trouble you,” he said, voice raised over the cries of the sightless, to the rest of the group. “I am your king. I am the one who will kill Landon Murphy and restore you to greatness. I have united the two species, werewolf and vampire, and with my queen by my side, we shall retake what was once stolen from us—our holy glory.
    “If I will remove the eyes of one who merely questions, what will I do to him who holds us back, wanting us, all of us, to live in secret, in shadows and dark corners? Follow me and your authority over all beneath you will be restored. We will take the power from the few who possess it and redistribute it among the faithful masses. We…shall…rise again.”
    Jamie turned, returning to Serinda, grabbed her hand, and led her back to their chamber.
    Nicholas motioned for Tsukiko to help the blind teen to his feet, and to the kitchen.
    “While my assistant cleans our comrade up,” he began, “I want the rest of you to leave here at once and spread the word to others, those who have seen the video and are still unsure, and those who have not seen. Share what you have seen and heard here today. We need as many troops as possible, for you can be sure that Landon Murphy will not come here alone and unaided. Tell them where we are. Tell them to join us. Tell them Landon is coming and we must band together to withstand the tide.”
    Nicholas watched as the remaining nine werewolves and vampires prepared to head out the door.
    Suddenly, Jamie returned to the room, walking briskly to the group about to leave.
    “One last thing,” said the teenage king. “Kill those who will not follow.”

Chapter 11: Requiem
    “Landon,” said Connor, entering the clearing where the Consul and LillyAnna sat, “there’s some people here to see you.”
    “Who?” Landon asked, getting up.
    “Don’t know. There’s five of them, asking for you. They just got here.”
    “Alright.” He began to follow Connor back to the main building. “Lilly, you stay here. I don’t know if they’re looking for trouble.”
    “I’m not staying here,” she said, jumping up and running to his side, grabbing his hand. “You’re so paranoid. I doubt five would show up to an island full of werewolves and vampires. I’m coming, too. I wanna see who it is.”
    Reaching the tiny group of strangers, Landon reached out his hand.
    “Landon Murphy,” he said. “And you are?”
    “Friends,” said the only female, taking his hand. “I’m Piper.”
    “You’re English. What are you doing way down here?”
    “Are you taking the piss? Brits can’t holiday in Italy? Look, we were in the area when we saw the video. We heard of you, and we know who Nicholas is. Word spread about Burghausen and we got wind that you chaps set up camp here. So here we are.”
    “Okay,” he said, his hand letting go of hers, as he looked at her small band. “Great. Thanks. What video?”
    “You must be joking. You haven’t seen it? Got a computer?”
    “We’ll have to go across the water,” said LillyAnna. “What’s it of?”
    “Can’t explain, ma’am,” said another from the group. “You’ll have to see it for yourself. But, it’s why we’re here.”
    Landon motioned for the group to enter a gondola, when Catalina came running up.
    “Landon, I got the international manhunt called off. Wasn’t easy, but

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