Taunting Lips (A Teasing Hands Accompaniment)

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Book: Taunting Lips (A Teasing Hands Accompaniment) by Elena M. Reyes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elena M. Reyes
fuck are you doing?”  I all but snarled. Didn’t she understand the part about me loving another? What the fuck am I saying? This was Olivia I was talking about; the woman solely cared about herself. Her wants and needs. “Get off.”
    “But, Camden, I—”
    “Don’t want you.” Freeing was the way I’d describe saying those words felt. She reeled back as if I’d slapped her, mouth agape and eyes red and full of tears. “You’re nothing more to me than a bad memory of my younger years. With Amanda, I’m happy…myself. She’s given me every part of her, without asking for money, jewelry, or any of the superficial demands you placed on me.”
    Her body shook with anger, her fists clenched against her side. “Get out.”
    “Truth hurts, doesn’t it?” Making her realize her mistakes wasn’t as happy an occurrence as I first thought it would be. Maybe my girl had made me soft. I wasn’t joyous over her pain, but I did breathe easier.
    Olivia hadn’t changed, and her self-entitled attitude was going to destroy her. At the very least, I warned her. Good deed of the day had been done.
    “Get the fuck out!” she wailed again, and this time I stood up and walked toward the front door. Pausing just as my hand reached the doorknob, I turned and said goodbye to the one woman that at a point in time meant the world to me.
    “Olivia,” I spoke low, almost soft. Wild eyes met my calm ones one last time before I walked out and never looked back. “In all this with Amanda, I realized one thing. I was never truly in love with you, nor you with me. Be happy.”


    The whole confrontation with Olivia lasted less than an hour, which surprised me, if I was being honest. I expected more. More screaming—offensive words being slung at each other as feelings were hurt. None of that happened. Instead, I left her house feeling lighter in having realized that the only woman I'd ever given my heart to, in its entirety, was my  gatita .
    It was still early enough in the day that I could head to the spa and cancel all my appointments for the rest of the week. My focus had shifted the moment things became clear; it was no longer about getting her back. In all this craziness, I lost sight of how I’d taken ownership over her person.  She never stopped being mine. Now, it was all about reminding her why I’d taken her body and heart as my greatest treasure.
    The reception area was empty as I entered through the spa’s main entrance. No one sat behind the front desk. Cynthia should’ve been in already and going through the day’s schedule. Maybe she was in the back restocking the refreshments we provided our clientele.
    “Cynthia,” I called out as I walked around the counter. Two things stood out—our computers were logged off, and the phones were still transferred over to our answering service. Where the fuck was this crazy chick?
    “She called out, Cam.” Stacy came from the back room area then, coffee in hand and an annoyed look on her face. “I’ll be manning the front today until she decides…”
    “What do you mean?” Turning on the computer, I double checked today's appointments and noticed one cancellation that was moved to next week, and a meeting at twelve. The latter was new.
    “Don’t know, really.” Stacy shrugged and took a sip of her drink. “Those were her words. By the way, why are you here so early?”
    “Taking the bull by the horns.” I laughed, and she looked at me with trepidation. “I saw Olivia today, Stacy. Saw her and felt nothing but sadness over my own stupidity. There was no love lost between us, don’t think there ever was anything more than affection to begin with. ”
    Stacy took a seat on the chair I pulled out for her and smiled. “And, I take it that’s a good thing?”
    “Amazing.” With the mouse in my hand, I opened up several screens all with my schedule for the next week. She watched me quietly, but the amusement on

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