Taunting Lips (A Teasing Hands Accompaniment)

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Book: Taunting Lips (A Teasing Hands Accompaniment) by Elena M. Reyes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elena M. Reyes
her face told me she knew just what I needed. “Clear this for the next seven days. I’ll be away.”
    “Just where in the hell do you think you’re going?” Stacy asked, trying to sound put out but failing horribly. “This is all so last minute. What will our clients think?”
    “Don’t give a shit what they think. We have two new masseuses starting tomorrow; Oliver can show them the ropes of how we do things at this facility. They've worked for us in the past at another location and were great assets to the team. I'm not worried.”
    “Still haven't answered the why  you are doing this?”  Nosy little thing.  She pushed my hand aside then, clicking away at the screen and moving my schedule around.  Beside each client’s name, she added notes over which masseuse could cover. Clever. Most would be happy to have someone take them on instead of rescheduling.
    “First thing,” I said, and she looked up at me, “I owe you a nice bonus for all this extra work. Second, please call an agency and have them send over possible candidates for the receptionist position. Your call on who we hire.”
    Her eyes grew large, and the biggest smile over took her face. “You trust me?”
    “Yes, I do.” Grabbing my laptop bag, I walked around the counter. There was a meeting in a few hours added yesterday by my mother, and I needed to call her as soon as possible. Who was it with, and why? “Cynthia needs to go; she needs to let me go.”
    “Do you need me to fire her?” Was that a tinge of glee I detected in her voice?
    “No, I will. It’s the least I can do. Be up front, and explain the why. She’ll receive a letter of recommendation and a severance package. I’m not a total dick.” Unbelievable. Stacy pouted and looked upset at not being able to fire her. Women.
    “Fine.” Stacy leaned back in her chair; arms crossed over her chest, and watched me. “Why are you doing this?”
    “Because, I have a stubborn  gatita  to tame.”

    The knock on my door startled me. Looking over at the clock on the wall, I noticed it was twelve and I never had a chance to call Mother. From the moment I sat down behind this desk, I'd been bombarded with phone calls and backed-up paperwork.
    End of the quarter financials were due within the next two weeks, and I hadn't looked at any of the reports sitting atop my desk. Amanda consumed my every thought, and I wanted it to stay that way. If I could, I’d take her away for a few weeks and make her understand that her body was mine. That her heart beat for this fucker that loved her beyond all comprehension.
    Another knock at the door.
    “Fuck.” I grumbled and stood up; I hated going into situations blindly. Why Mom would set this up and not leave me a single note explaining angered me. If this was a vendor, it could wait.
    Taking in a deep breath, I opened my door, and to say I was shocked by the person standing on the other side would be putting it mildly.
    “What are you doing here?” I all but snarled at the woman responsible for bringing my  gatita  into this world. It was then, after my harsh greeting, that I took in her appearance. Susana Brooks did not look a thing like the society matron she resembled while kicking me out of her home just yesterday. Tired. The woman who stood before me now with puffy eyes and sagging shoulders looked tired.
    As if the weight of the world sat on her shoulders.
    “Where’s Amanda? Is she okay?” My rapid response startled her; she jumped and placed a hand over her heart. “Well, answer me!” Why else would she be here? Fuck, the room began to spin, and I reached out with one hand to hold myself up against the wall beside my door. “Please—”
    “She’s fine.” Mrs. Brooks gave me a small smile as she appraised my near mental breakdown. Next to hearing my  gatita  say that she loved me, this was the best thing I'd heard in the last week. “You love her.”
    Pushing off the wall,

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