Taunting Lips (A Teasing Hands Accompaniment)

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Book: Taunting Lips (A Teasing Hands Accompaniment) by Elena M. Reyes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elena M. Reyes
I moved aside to let her in. “I do.” That was all she was getting from me. It was more than she deserved, if I was being honest. 
    “Can we talk?” Susana sounded so meek, it angered me that she made me feel bad for her.
    “It depends,” I added as a precaution for both sides. If she came here with the intent to push me away from her daughter, she was wasting both our times. “I’m not leaving—”
    “She needs you. Loves you.” I couldn't stop the small smile that tugged at the corner of my lips if I wanted to; she saw this, and her expression brightened.
    “Amanda is all I will ever need.”
    “Thank you.” It was an honest response. She truly felt this way, and that made the tension between us evaporate. Surprised by her words, I ushered her in and toward the small sitting area inside my office.
    “Please take a seat, Susana. Would you like something to drink before we start?” Mother taught me to be courteous if nothing else, and besides, she looked like she needed it. Walking over to the tiny fridge on the wall behind my desk, I opened it and pulled out two bottles of water.
    Shaking her head, she sat down and patted the seat next to her. “No, I need to say what I came to say, and then go. Mr. Brooks is waiting on me to have lunch.”
    “Okay.” Placing a bottle on my desk, I walked over and took a seat. “Go on.”
    Susana looked up toward my ceiling and let out a big sigh before turning back to face me. “I’m sorry.” 
    Not expecting that response, I choked on the sip of water I had taken. “Umm, what?”
    “This shit is so much harder than I thought it would be. I'm not one to ever admit defeat, Camden.” Her lack of decorum made me laugh. What happened to the prim and proper woman that gave me hell? “Oh, shut up,” she grumbled and then surprised me again. Susana Brooks giggled until tears appeared.
    This was some Twilight Zone shit.
    “You were saying,” I hedged after calming down. While it was turning out to be a pleasant visit, I needed to move this along. Amanda was out there without me, and I planned to remedy that as soon as possible.
    “I’m sorry, Camden. So sorry for interfering and not realizing that what my daughter needed was you.” Susana reached for one of my hands and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I was blinded by my version of perfection and was so ignorant that I hurt you both. For that I am ashamed and remorseful.”
    “Thank you, but I have to ask...what brought this on? Just yesterday you wanted my head on a platter for pursuing her.” Before we moved forward, she had to at the very least give me that.
    “Can I have that bottle of water now?” Looking over at her, I noticed a few tears slip over her cheeks. Something huge had to have happened between the time I left this morning and now for her to look this crushed. In so much emotional pain.
    Smiling at her, I stood up, retrieved the bottle atop my desk, and handed it over to her. I didn't sit. My mind was racing, and the anxiety began to take hold. Therefore, I paced the small room as she drank the water and collected herself.
    “Amanda’s moving out when she gets back.” My frantic eyes snapped to hers after that statement.  Gets back? When the fuck did she leave?  “This morning.”
    “I’m sorry…”
    “You spoke aloud.” She chuckled at my reaction and took another sip of water. Then, just as soon as the amusement left her, she replaced it with the same somber look she’d walked in with. “She was so mad—disappointed in me, and that hurt more than anything. I’d promised to stay out of this, this thing happening with you—”
    “It threatened your dream of her and  Hunter ,” I spat his name, “getting back together.” She nodded sadly. “You do realize that Amanda wanted nothing to do with him? He broke her heart, and she didn't trust him. No longer loved him.”
    “Trust me, I do now.”
     I believed her, but so many questions still ran rampant

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